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Course Detail

Course Name Media Management
Course Code 24OEL646
Program MSc Visual Communication (Digital Film Making & Media Production)
Credits 2
Campus Mysuru


Unit I

Management concept – Principles of Management – Factors influencing Management decision in media – Structure and characteristics of media organizations – Newspapers and Magazines, Radio, Television, Cinema – Ownership in Media Industries – Merits and de-merits.

Unit II

Economics of newspaper – Advertising vs circulation – Management problems of small, medium, large newspapers: gathering, processing, printing, circulation, distribution, advertising, professionalism, tradeunionism, News room diversity.

Unit III

Economics and Administrative concerns of government owned electronic media-market driven media:private channels – Social commitment vs Profit making.

Unit IV

Economics of film Industry – creativity, production, marketing distribution, exhibition, ownership vs piracy.

Unit V

News agencies and syndicates: Ownership and organization structures – committees to study the problemsof various media in India.

Text Books / References


  1. Aggarwal K : Press at the crossroads in India.
  2. William and Rucker: Newspaper Organization and Management
  3. Sarkar C: The press in India
  4. Noorani G: Freedom of Press in India
  5. Frank Thayer: Newspaper Management
  6. Gulab Kothari: Newspaper Management in India
  7. Reports of the enquiry committees appointed by the Ministry of Information and

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