Unit I
Law and classification: definition, meaning, functions, classification- public and private law, civil law andcriminal law, substantive and procedural law, municipal and international law, written and unwritten laws
Course Name | Fundamentals of Legal Awareness |
Course Code | 24OEL657 |
Program | MSc Visual Communication (Digital Film Making & Media Production) |
Credits | 2 |
Campus | Mysuru |
Law and classification: definition, meaning, functions, classification- public and private law, civil law andcriminal law, substantive and procedural law, municipal and international law, written and unwritten laws
Law of contracts: overview of Indian Contract Act, definition, meaning, essentials-offer and acceptance, invitation to offer, cross offers, intention to create legal obligation, lawful consideration, lawful object, competency of parties, free consent, agreement not to be void, illegal, immoral or opposed to public policy, agreement v. contract, breach and remedies for breach.
Law of torts: Definition, meaning, essentials, damages- injuria sine damnum and damnum sine injuria, generaldefences in torts, exceptions to tortious liability: vicarious liability- master servant relationship, Principal- agent relationship, Partner- partnership firm, Major torts: Nuisance, Negligence
Tress pass: Tresspass to a person- Battery, Assault, False Imprisonment, defamation- libel and slander, essentials, defences to defamation, liability in torts- strict liability, absolute liability, damages in torts- meaning, types of damages- nominal, compensatory, exemplary, aggravated, prospective, contemptuous
Criminal law: introduction of criminal law- subject matter, General introduction to the Indian Penal Code, Criminal Procedure code, Indian Evidence Act, mental element- stages of crime, guilty intention, General exceptions- Intoxication, Insanity, Mistake of Fact, Accident, Acts done under compulsion, public duty etc., Right of Private Defence, Major offences: Theft, Extortion, Robbery, Dacoity, Sedition, Abduction, Kidnapping, Unlawful Assembly, Dowry Death, Abetment, Murder, Culpable Homicide
Family law: subject matter and Introduction, Laws Involved, Marriage – validity and degree of prohibited relationship, Divorce Family Court, Grounds for divorce, orders- judicial separation, restitution of conjugal rights, maintenance, Section 125 Criminal Procedure code, Adoption- difference between guardianship and adoption, General outline of Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, Guardianship and Wards Act, Succession- Testamentary and Intestate- Testator, Executor, Administrator and Probate
This course is intended to give the student the power to make a difference in personal and professional life through sound legal knowledge and to be aware of rights and responsibilities towards societyand nation.
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