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Course Detail

Course Name Consumer Protection Act
Course Code 24OEL634
Program MSc Visual Communication (Digital Film Making & Media Production)
Credits 2
Campus Mysuru


Unit I

Consumerism in India (Historical Background), Consumers: the concept, definition and scope. Object of Consumer Protection Act, 1986.

Unit II

Unfair Trade Practice, Restriction Trade Practice, Defect in goods, Deficiency in service: Medical, Lawyering, Electricity, Housing, Postal services etc.

Unit III

Consumer rights and its protection; consumer protection councils, powers and functions.

Unit IV

Judicial Enforcement of Consumer Rights: Consumer Forum under C.P.Act – Jurisdiction, Powers and functions, Exceptions of order, Judicial Review, PIL, Class action, Remedies, Appeal, Administrative Remedies, C.P.Courts.

Unit V

Appeals and orders: enforcement of orders of the consumer forum, Appeals against orders, Administrative control; Dismissal of frivolous and vexatious complaints, Penalties.

Objectives and Outcomes

Objective: To know about consumer rights and to understand the grievances redressal forums established under the Consumer Protection Act,1986.

Text Books / References


  1. Saraf N., Law of Consumer Protection in India, 1995
  2. K.Bangia, Consumer Protection Act
  3. K.Majumdar, The Law of Consumer Protection in India, 1998 Orient Publishing Co. Delhi

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