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Course Detail

Course Name Basics of PC Software
Course Code 24OEL632
Program MSc Visual Communication (Digital Film Making & Media Production)
Credits 2
Campus Mysuru


Unit I

Word Processing Basic – An Introduction to Word Processing, Opening Word Processing package, menu bar, Using the help, Using he Icons below menu bar. Opening, saving and closing documents. Page setup, Page background, Printing of documents, Display/Hiding of Paragraph Marks and inter word Space. Moving around in a document – Scrolling the Document, Scrolling by line/paragraph, Fast scrolling and Moving Pages Text creation and manipulation – Paragraph and Tab setting, Text selection, cut, copy and paste, font and size selection, bold, italic and underline, Alignment of text: center, left, right and justify. Formatting the Text – Changing font, size and color, Paragraph indenting, bullets and numbering, Use of tab and Tab setting, changing case. Inserting – header and footer, page number, date & time, symbols, comments, auto texts, footnotes, citations, caption, index, pictures, files & objects, bookmark, hyperlink.

Unit II

Handling multiple documents, Opening and closing of multiple documents, cut, copy and paste across the documents. Table Manipulation – Concept of table, rows columns and cells, draw table, changing cell width and height, alignment of text in cell, copying of cell, delete/insertion of row and columns, borders for table. Printing


– printing, print preview, print a selected page. Language Utilities – spelling & grammar- Mail merge options, password locking, View – Macros, document views

Unit III

Elements of Electronics Spread Sheet, Application/usage of Electronic Spread Sheet, Opening of spreadsheet,and menu bar, Creation of cells and addressing of cells, cell inputting. Insert – tables, charts. Illustrations, links, texts. Page Layout – Themes, set up, scale, sheet, arrange. Practicing auto formatting and conditional formatting – Spelling and auto correct – Arranging windows – Freeze panes – Hiding windows. Providing Formulas – Using basic functions/ formalism a cell, Sum function, Average, Percentage, Other basic functions Data – connections, sort & filter, data tools, outline

Unit IV

Inserting slides – new slides, existing slides, duplicate slides, slides from Auto layout. Slide views – normal, slider sorter. Slide layouts, design templates. Deleting slides. Slide show – start with first slide, current slide, customize show. Inserting header & footer, Date and Time, Hyperlink, Format – Font, Bullet & Numbering. Custom animation, slide Transition.

Unit V

Internet: Introduction to networks and internet, history, working of Internet, Modes of connecting to internet, ISPs, Internet address, standard address, domain name, Modems.World Wide Web-Introduction, Miscellaneous Web Browsers details, searching the w w w – Directories search engines and meta search engines, search fundamentals, search engines, working of the searchengines, Telnet and FTP.

Objectives and Outcomes

Objective: The main objective of this course is to familiarize the basic concepts of Microsoft Office 2007 applications which promote students to build their knowledge in business applications.

Text Books / References


Alexis Leon & Mathews Leon: Fundamentals of Information Technology, Vikas Publishing REFERENCE BOOKS:

  1. Microsoft Office 2000 Complete, BPB publications
  2. Dennis Curtin, Kim Foley, Kunal Sen, Cathleen Morin: Information Technology – The Breaking Wave, TATA McGraw-Hill Edition

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