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Course Detail

Course Name Solid State Phenomena at Nanoscale
Course Code 24NNE531
Program M. Sc. Nanoelectronics & Nanoengineering (NE & NE)
Semester 1
Credits 6
Campus Kochi


Unit 1

Chemical bonding and Crystal structures

Solid state science: introduction to solids, materials classification by bonding, amorphous and crystalline materials, basics of crystal structure, lattice points and space lattice, Bravais lattice, Lattice planes and Miller indices, the reciprocal lattice, bulk to Nano effects – examples, fundamental excitations on solids – brief (plasmons, polaritons and polarons).

Unit 2


Lattice vibrations, a simple Harmonic oscillator, an infinite chain of atoms, the Brillouin zone, a finite chain of atoms, Modes of vibrations and density of states, Classical and quantum oscillator comparisons, Quantized vibrations-Phonons, Confinement of phonons (Nanoscale effects).

Unit 3

Thermal Properties

Three-dimensional solids, Vibrational frequency estimation, Specific heat capacity, Classical theory and experimental results, Debye and Einstein models, Thermal conductivity, Anharmonic effects and thermal expansion, Heat Conduction.

Unit 4

Dielectrics, Ferroelectrics and Piezoelectrics

Dielectric materials and phenomena, Microscopic Polarization, Frequency dependence of the Dielectric constant, Bulk, nano, thin-film dielectrics, High-K dielectrics and applications, Ferroelectrics and Piezoelectrics, Dielectric breakdown

Unit 5

Magnetism and Superconductivity 

Magnetic effects in atoms, Diamagnetism, Magnons, paramagnetism, Curie and Pauli Paramagnetism, Ferromagnetic domains, Hysteresis, Nanoscale effects, Magnetic tunnel junctions, Magneto-resistance, Zero resistivity, The Meissner effect, BCS theory

Objectives and Outcomes

Pre-requisites: Basic math, physics and chemistry

Total number of classes: 45

Course Outcomes:

  • Understand the basics of crystal structure, lattice vibrations, Phonons
  • Familiarize with the Harmonic oscillator model and Debye & Einstein models
  • A thorough understanding of Dielectric, Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric concepts
  • Gain in-depth knowledge in Magnetism & Superconductivity and understand its fundamental theories.

Text Books / References

  1. Solid-state Physics – An Introduction by P Hofmann, 2nd Edition, Wiley VCH (2015)
  2. Introduction to Solid-State Physics by C. Kittel, 8th Edition, John Wiley and Sons (2005).

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