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Course Detail

Course Name Emerging Nano-manufacturing Technologies
Course Code 24NNE541
Program M. Sc. Nanoelectronics & Nanoengineering (NE & NE)
Semester 2
Credits 9
Campus Kochi


Unit 1

Thin-films deposition by vacuum and non-vacuum processes

Vacuum science and technology, physical vapour deposition: process and systems, thermal evaporation, electron beam evaporation, sputtering (DC, RF magnetron) chemical vapour deposition, film formation and nanostructure, characterization of thin films.

Unit 2

Advanced micro and nanofabrication techniques

Micro- and nanofabrication overview, Photolithography, e-beam lithography. Modern fabrication technologies: nano-imprint lithography, soft lithography, microfluidic applications and devices.

Unit 3

Device fabrication and advanced processing methods

Fabrication of 0 to 2-D nanostructures, Transistors and electronic building blocks, MEMS/NEMS, Applications of nanofabrication. Additive manufacturing and variants of 3D printing (electrochemical, laser sintering, jet fusion…).

Objectives and Outcomes

Pre-requisites: Basic math, physics and chemistry

Total number of classes: 45

Course Outcomes:

  • Introduced to vacuum techniques (how to create and measure vacuum).
  • Deeper understanding of physical vapour deposition techniques.
  • Fundamental exposure of chemical vapour deposition.
  • Theoretical understanding of advances in nanofabrication techniques
  • Explore nanomaterials based device fabrication techniques and advanced manufacturing processes

Text Books / References

  1. Cui, Nanofabrications: Principles, capabilities and limits, Springer (2017).
  2. Li and Z. Liu, Outlook and challenges in Nanodevices, Sensors and MEMS, Springer (2017).
  3. Handbook of Thin Film Technology, H. Frey and H. R. Khan, Springer Science and Business Media (2015)
  4. The Materials Science of Thin Films, Milton Ohring, Academic Press (2002).
  5. Additive Manufacturing by C.P. Paul, A.N. Jinoop, McGraw Hill (2021).

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