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Course Detail

Course Name Program Core IV Regenerative Medicine & Tissue Engineering
Course Code 24NBT512
Program M. Sc. Nanobiotechnology (NBT)
Semester 2
Credits 3
Campus Kochi


Unit 1

Biologic and Molecular Basis for Regenerative Medicine:Current perspectives in Regenerative Medicine; Types of Tissues; Molecular organisation of cells; Extracellular Matrix; Cell-extracellular matrix interactions

Unit 2

Cellular aspect of Regenerative Medicine: Stem cells and progenitors; Types of stem cells, Embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, Mesenchymal stem cells, Hematopoietic stem cells, Adult stem cells

Unit 3

Different Stages of Tissue Regeneration: Basic cell structure and functions; Tissue organisation and functions; Organ structure and functions, Scar and Regeneration; Different stages of regeneration – Hemostasis, Inflammation, Proliferation, Angiogenesis, Remodelling; Case studies – Skin regeneration, Bone regeneration, Liver regeneration.

Unit 4

Tissue Engineering:Relevance of tissue engineering; Triad of Tissue engineering – Scaffolds Types (Ceramics, Polymers, Composites Biomimetic scaffold); Cells, Growth factors; CaseStudies: Ectoderm derived tissues (Nerve tissue, Cornea), Endoderm derived tissues (Liver, Pancreas), Mesoderm (Bone, Cartilage, Muscle, blood vessels, ligament, Tendon). Recent advances in biofabrication; 3D bioprinting

Objectives and Outcomes

Pre-requisites: Undergraduate level basic physics, chemistry and biology

Total number of classes: 45


Upon successful completion, students will have the

  • Understanding on the molecules and signalling pathways that regulate epithelial and mesenchymal states of tissues and cell extracellular matrix interactions
  • Knowledge on the various types and sources of stem cells and their role in tissue growth, repair and regeneration
  • Understanding on the importance of vascularisation and the challenges associated with establishing vascularisation in tissue engineered constructs
  • Knowledge on the inherent regenerative mechanisms in human body
  • Knowledge on the therapeutic applications of cells, and cells derived products in regenerative medicine

Text Books / References

  1. Principles of Regenerative Medicine, Anthony Atala, Robert Lanza James, Thomson Robert Nerem, 2nd Edition, Elsevier -2010
  2. 1. Ying Deng and Jordan Kuiper, Functional 3D Tissue Engineering Scaffolds: Materials, Technologies, and Applications (Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials), 2017
  3. Cato T. Laurencin, Lakshmi S. Nair. Nanotechnology and Regenerative Engineering: The Scaffold, Second Edition, CRC Press 2017

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