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Course Detail

Course Name Immunology & Microbiology Lab
Course Code 24NBT582
Program M. Sc. Nanobiotechnology (NBT)
Semester 2
Credits 2
Campus Kochi


Unit 1

Bacterial and fungal culture medium preparation, Pure culture technique (eg: streaking and sub culturing), Gram staining, Fungal staining, Motility assay

Unit 2

Bacterial growth curve by measuring turbidity and viable count

Unit 3

Antibiotic sensitivity assay; MIC and MBC determination, Biofilm assay, MBIC and MBEC determination, Phage titration assay

Unit 4

Observation & Identification of Immune Cells, Observation and identification of the structure of lymphoid organs, Blood grouping, Separation of Mononuclear cells using density gradient centrifugation, Isolation of Monocytes from the Mononuclear Cells, Induction of Monocytes to M1 and M2 Macrophages, Evaluation of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines produced by M1 and M2 macrophages through ELISA.

Objectives and Outcomes

Pre-requisites: Basic understanding of experimental research

Total number of lab sessions: 15


  • Provide the students the knowledge about practical skills on basic microbiology.
  • Students will learn about different antimicrobial activity assays.
  • Students will develop an understanding about components of immune system and their function.

The students will learn about different antigen and antibody interaction assays

Text Books / References

  1. Practical Handbook of Microbiology-Lorrence H Green, Emanuel Goldman by CRC Press, 4th Edition, ISBN 9780367567637.
  2. Practical Immunology-Frank C. Hay, Olwyn M.R. Westwood, Fourth Edition, Blackwell Science.

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