Unit 1
Introduction to Biostatistics-Need for Biostatistical Methods –Their uses and Misuses, Types of Variables, Data collection Methods, Population and Sample.
Descriptive Data Analysis Methods- Statistical Tables, Diagrams examples; Graphs, Measures of Central Tendencies and Dispersion, Correlation Analysis Methods, Linear Regression Analysis.
Unit 2
Theory of probability, Standard Probability Distributions – Discrete distributions Binomial and Poisson;, Univariate continuous distribution – Normal, and standard normal.
Unit 3
Tests of Significance of Statistical Hypotheses- Concept of Hypotheses –Null and Alternative hypotheses, Type I and Type II errors, Significance level, Critical region, Power of a test , P- value and its interpretation; Large and Small Sample Test – Normal test, Student’s ‘t’ test, Chi-square tests, Analysis of variance.
Unit 4
Nonparametric methods-Non-parametric methods for estimation, Methods for tests of significance for the independent and correlated samples, Nonparametric Methods for more than two populations..
Objectives and Outcomes
Pre-requisites: Undergraduate level statistics and biology
Total number of classes: 30