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Course Detail

Course Name Molecular Biology
Course Code 24MMD502
Program M. Sc. Molecular Medicine(MLM)
Semester 1
Credits 3
Campus Kochi



This course will provide a thorough understanding about biology of DNA and how its regulations are brought about, its functional significance and how it is very much involved in the biochemistry and physiology of the cell.

Unit 1

DNA: Structure and function, Chromosome and chromatin, Genetic code, wobble hypothesis, RNA and types of RNA (rasiRNA, tasiRNA, nat-siRNA, piRNA), Proteins and their structure

Unit 2

DNA replication and its regulation, Homologous and site-specific recombination, DNA repair

Unit 3

Transcription and its regulation, Translation and its regulation, Gene structure, Repeats and clusters, Gene expression regulations: operon, Epigenetics

Unit 4

Types of mutations, Genetic system of mitochondria

Unit 5

Gene identification, promoter identification, Molecular biology techniques: Isolation and Quantification of DNA/RNA, PCR, Reverse transcriptase PCR, Real Time PCR, DNA Sequence analysis, hybridization (southern, northern and western) and Sanger sequencing

Objectives and Outcomes

Pre-requisites: Undergraduate level basic DNA biology

Total number of classes: 45

Course Outcome

CO1 Understand the structure and function of DNA, RNA and proteins

CO2 Understand the basics of DNA and RNA replication, transcription, translation

and DNA-repair systems

CO3 Understand how genetic switches work, the basics of gene regulation in

prokaryotes and eukaryotes

CO4 Understand the consequences of different types of mutations and recombinations

CO5 Understand basic and advanced molecular biology concepts and techniques

Program Outcome

PO1: Bioscience Knowledge

PO2: Problem Analysis

PO3: Design/Development of Solutions

PO4: Conduct Investigations of complex problems

PO5: Modern tools usage

PO6: Bioscientist and Society

PO7: Environment and Sustainability

PO8: Ethics

PO9: Individual & Team work

PO10: Communication

PO11: Project management & Finance

PO12: Lifelong learning

C PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO 1 3 1 2
CO 2 3 1 1 1
CO 3 3 2 1 2 2 1 1
CO 4 3 3 1 2 2 2
CO 5 3 1 2 1 3 2 1


Program Specific Outcomes. (PSO)

PSO 1 – Biochemical organization and cellular complexity in function

PSO 2 – Biomolecules in Medicine

PSO 3 – Molecular basis of disease

PSO 4 – Molecular technology in diagnosis and therapy

PSO 5 – Cellular based approaches in diagnosis and therapy

PSO 6 – Microorganisms in Medicine

PSO 7 – Nanoscale entities and its significance in Medicine

PSO 8 – Tissue architecture engineering in Medicine

PSO 9 – Compounds as drugs and its efficacy

PSO 10 – Bioinformatics and biological data use

CO 1 3 2 1 1 1
CO 2 3 2 1 1 _ 1
CO 3 3 2 3 1 1
CO 4 3 3 3 1 1 2
CO 5 2 3 2 2 3

Evaluation Pattern

Internal Assessment – 50% 
Periodical 1  Exam 20%
Periodical 2  Exam 20%
Continuous Assessment  Assignment/Test/Quiz 10%
End Semester Examination- 50% 
Theory Exam 50%
  Total 100%

Text Books / References

Lewin’s Essential Genes, Jocelyn E. Krebs, Benjamin Lewin, Elliott S. Goldstein, Stephen T. Kilpatrick,Jones& Bartlett Publishers, 2013 – Science – 847 pages

Molecular Biology of the Gene, Seventh Edition, James D. Watson, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; Tania A. Baker, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Alexander Gann, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; Michael Levine, University of California, Berkeley; Richard Losick, Harvard University,2013

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