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Course Detail

Course Name Clinical Microbiology
Course Code 24MMD533
Program M. Sc. Molecular Medicine(MLM)
Semester 1
Credits 3
Campus Kochi



The candidates undertaking this course will gain knowledge about fundamentals of microbiology with special reference to bacterial, viral and fungal diseases; and host responses against infections. The scientific understanding developed through the course will motivate the student to take up advanced microbiology courses that has extensive application in medicine.

Unit 1

Morphology of bacteria: Shape of bacteria, bacterial cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasmic matrix, cell wall appendages, bacterial spores

Unit 2

Physiology of bacteria: Bacterial growth and nutrition, factors affecting growth of bacteria, bacterial metabolism

Unit 3

Laboratory diagnosis of bacterial infections: Specimen collection, staining techniques, culture, identification and AST, culture methods, aerobic and anaerobic methods of culture, identification of microbes, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, serology, molecular methods.

Unit 4

Antimicrobial agents and antimicrobial resistance: Antimicrobial agents, antimicrobial resistance, mechanism of antimicrobial resistance.

Unit 5

Pathogenesis of bacterial infections: Mechanism of bacterial pathogenesis, route of transmission, infective dose, intracellular survival, toxins, overview of bacterial infections.

Unit 6

General Virology: Morphology of viruses, viral replication, pathogenesis of viral infections, isolation and cultivation of viruses, treatment of viral diseases, viral vaccines

Unit 7

Overview of viral infections: Herpers viruses, other DNA viruses, Myxoviruses, Rubella, Corona, Picornaviruses, Arboviruses, Rabies, HIV, Hepatits.

Unit 8

General Mycology: Classification of fungi, laboratory diagnosis of fungal infections, treatment of fungal infections, overview of fungal infections.

Unit 9

Healthcare associated infections: Catheter associated infections, surgical site infections

Unit 10

Sterilization and disinfection: Sterilants, high level intermediate level and low level disinfectants, cleaning agents, chemical and biological indicators

Objectives and Outcomes

Pre-requisites: Basic understanding of microbiology

Total number of classes: 45

Course Outcome

CO1 Students will develop a comprehensive understanding of the morphology, physiology, and growth dynamics of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, including their cellular structures, growth requirements, and metabolic pathways.

CO2 Students will acquire proficient laboratory skills in diagnosing microbial infections, including specimen collection techniques, staining procedures, culture methods, and antimicrobial susceptibility testing, utilizing both conventional and molecular techniques.

CO3 Students will learn to critically evaluate antimicrobial agents, understand mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance, and apply strategies for the effective management and control of antimicrobial resistance in clinical settings.

CO4 Students will gain an in-depth understanding of microbial pathogenesis, transmission routes, infective doses, and virulence factors contributing to bacterial, viral, and fungal infections, and will be equipped with infection control measures to mitigate their spread in healthcare settings.

CO5 Students will demonstrate competence in selecting and implementing appropriate sterilization and disinfection protocols, including knowledge of sterilants, disinfectants, cleaning agents, and biological indicators, to ensure the prevention of healthcare-associated infections and maintain aseptic environments

Program Outcomes

PO1: Bioscience Knowledge

PO2: Problem Analysis

PO3: Design/Development of Solutions

PO4: Conduct Investigations of complex problems

PO5: Modern tools usage

PO6: Bioscientist and Society

PO7: Environment and Sustainability

PO8: Ethics

PO9: Individual & Team work

PO10: Communication

PO11: Project management & Finance

PO12: Lifelong learning

c PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO 1 3 1 1 1 1
CO 2 3 1 1 1
CO 3 3 1 1 1
CO 4 3 1 1 1 1
CO 5 3 1 1 1 1 1


Program Specific Outcomes. (PSO)

PSO 1 – Biochemical organization and cellular complexity in function

PSO 2 – Biomolecules in Medicine

PSO 3 – Molecular basis of disease

PSO 4 – Molecular technology in diagnosis and therapy

PSO 5 – Cellular based approaches in diagnosis and therapy

PSO 6 – Microorganisms in Medicine

PSO 7 – Nanoscale entities and its significance in Medicine

PSO 8 – Tissue architecture engineering in Medicine

PSO 9 – Compounds as drugs and its efficacy

PSO 10 – Bioinformatics and biological data use

CO 1 3 1 2 3 1
CO 2 3 1
CO 3 3 1 1 1
CO 4 3 1
CO 5 3 3 2

Evaluation Pattern

Internal Assessment – 50% 
Periodical 1  Exam 20%
Periodical 2  Exam 20%
Continuous Assessment  Assignment/Test/Quiz 10%
End Semester Examination- 50% 
Theory Exam 50%
  Total 100%

Text Books / References

  1. Essentials of Medical Microbiology By Apurba S Sastry, Sandhya Bhat Edition: 4th; Publisher: Jaypee Brothers; Year: 2023; ISBN: 9789356963320
  2. Prescott’s Microbiology 11th Edition.

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