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Course Detail

Course Name Mobile Application Development Lab
Course Code 18CSA389
Program Bachelor of Computer Applications, B. C. A. (Bachelor of Computer Applications), B. C. A.
Semester Five
Credits Two
Year Taught 2018
Degree Undergraduate (UG)
School School of Arts and Sciences School of Engineering
Campus Kochi, Mysuru, Amritapuri


Introduction: About Android, Pre-requisites to learn Android, Dalvik Virtual Machine & .apk file extension, Android API levels (versions & version names)

Android Java Basics: Getting started with Android development, project folder structure, simple programming, running project, generating build/APK of the app from Android Studio

First application: Creating Android Project, Android Virtual Device Creation, Set up debugging environment, Workspace set up for development, Launching emulator, debugging on mobile devices.

Basic UI design: Basics about Views, Layouts, Drawable Resources, Input controls, Input Events, Toasts.

More UI Components: Layouts – GridView and ListView, Action bar, Adapters, Menus: Option menu, context menu, sub menu, Pickers – Date and Time, Spinners.

Activity and Fragment: Activity, Fragment, Activity Lifecycle and Fragment Lifecycle.

Intents: Implicit Intents, Explicit intents, communicating data among Activities.

Navigation Drawer: Panel that displays the app’s main navigation screens on the left edge of the screen

Android Notifications – Toast, Dialogs (TimePicker, DatePicker, Progress, Alert), Notification Manager and Push Notification

Introducing SQLite – SQLiteOpenHelper and creating a database – Opening and closing a database, Working with cursors Inserts, updates, and deletes

As a term project students should implement a mobile app with the following:

  • Understand the app idea and design user interface/wireframes of mobile app
  • Set up the mobile app development environment

Text Books

  1. Head first Android Development.
  2. Android Programming: Pushing the Limits, Wiley By Erik Hellman
  3. Android Application Development Black Book, Dreamtech Press, Pradeep Kothari, KLSI

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