Course Duration: 3 Hrs./Week
List of Experiments:
- Qualitative analysis of normal constituents of urine.*
- Qualitative analysis of abnormal constituents of urine.*
- Quantitative estimation of urine sugar by Benedict’s reagent method.**
- Quantitative estimation of urine chlorides by Volhard’s method.**
- Quantitative estimation of urine creatinine by Jaffe’s method.**
- Quantitative estimation of urine calcium by precipitation method.**
- Quantitative estimation of serum cholesterol by Libermann Burchard’s method.**
- Preparation of Folin Wu filtrate from blood.*
- Quantitative estimation of blood creatinine.**
- Quantitative estimation of blood sugar Folin-Wu tube method.**
- Sestimation of SGOT in serum.**
- Estimation of SGPT in serum.**
- Estimation of Urea in Serum.**
- Estimation of Proteins in Serum.**
- Determination of serum bilirubin**
- Determination of Glucose by means of Glucoseoxidase.**
- Enzymatic hydrolysis of Glycogen/Starch by Amylases.**
- Study of factors affecting Enzyme activity. (pH & Temp.)**
- Preparation of standard buffer solutions and its pH measurements (any two)*
- Experiment on lipid profile tests**
- Determination of sodium,calcium and potassium in serum.**
** indicate major experiments & * indicate minor experiments
Format of the assignment
- Minimum & Maximum number of pages.
- It shall be computer draft copy.
- Reference(s) shall be included at the end.
- Name and signature of the student.
- Assignment can be a combined presentation at the end of the academic year.
- Time allocated for presentation may be 8+2 Min.
Scheme of Practical Examination:
Sessionals |
Annual |
Synopsis |
05 |
15 |
Major Experiment |
10 |
25 |
Minor Experiment |
03 |
15 |
Viva |
02 |
15 |
Max Marks |
20 |
70 |
Duration |
03 hrs |
04 hrs |
Note : Total sessional marks is 30 (20 for practical sessional plus 10 marks for regularity, promptness, viva-voce and record maintenance).