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Course Detail

Course Name Marketing Research
Course Code 24OEL644
Program M. Com. (Finance & Systems)
Semester Elective
Credits 2
Campus Amritapuri


Unit 1

Definition of Marketing Research, Objective of Marketing Research, Application of Marketing Research,
Limitation of Marketing Research, Marketing Research Process.

Unit 2

Research Design: Various Method of Research Design, Important Experimental Research Designs.
Primary and Secondary Data: Methods of Collecting Primary Data, Advantages & Disadvantages of Primary
Data & Secondary Data, Essentials Characteristics for Selecting Secondary Data. Basic Methods of Collecting
Data: Questionnaire Method/ Observation Method – Advantages & Disadvantages, Methods of Observation,
Precautions in Preparation of Questionnaire & Collection of Data.

Unit 3

Measurement and Scaling: Types of Scales, Difficulty of Measurement, Sources of Error, Criteria for a Good
Scale, Development of Marketing Measures.
Sampling: What is Sampling, Objective of Sampling, Steps in Sample Design, Various Techniques of Sampling,
Advantages & Disadvantages of Different Techniques of Sampling, Difference between Probability and Non-
probability Sampling, Problem Associated with Sampling, Determining Sample Size.

Unit 4

Data Processing, Analysis and Estimation

Unit 5

Report Preparation: Types and Layout of Research Report; Precautions in Preparing the Research Report,
Bibliography and Annexure in Report, Drawing Conclusions, Giving Suggestions and Recommendation to the
Concerned Persons.

Course Objective and Outcomes

Objective: To provide a basic knowledge on research methodology and market research.

References Books

  1. Nargundkar Marketing Research, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Ed.
  2. Luck and Rubin Marketing Research, Prentice Hall of India, 7th Ed.
  3. Tull & Hawkins Marketing Research: Measurement & Method, Prentice Hall of India, 6th Ed.
  4. Beri Marketing Research, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Ed.

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