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Course Detail

Course Name Vehicular Communication
Course Code 24AT734
Program M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore , Chennai , Bengaluru , Amritapuri , Kochi


Elective Streams Software Defined Vehicles

Unit 1

Applications of V2X-safety vs. non-safety-use cases – Service requirements of applications – Communication technologies – Mapping service requirements to communication technologies – Fundamental principles of layering- DSRC/WAVE- ETSI ITS-G5 and ARIB architectures – DSRC standard-channelization – SAE J2735 message set dictionary – Basic Safety Message – Introduction to IEEE 1609.2-2016 – IEEE Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments – Security Services for Applications and Management Messages – Introduction to IEEE 802.11p MAC and PHY layers – Introduction to Cellular V2X for connected cards – standards – spectrum and channels – radio interfaces – applications.

Unit 2

Wireless radio propagation and channel characteristics – pathloss – shadowing and small -scale fading – delay spread and Doppler spread – coherence bandwidth and coherence time – impact of channel impairments on system design – Techniques for combating channel impairments – Digital modulation schemes in 802.11p – Design of OFDM parameters in 802.11p – Transmit power control and transmit masks.

Unit 3

Routing in VANETs – flooding and the Broadcast Storm Problem – Traditional MANET routing- topology based/ table-driven routing protocols – proactive (DSDV) vs. reactive / on-demand (DSR – AODV- DYMO) routing protocols – Geographic routing protocols- Beaconing – DTN and peer-to-peer ideas for VANET routing – Vehicular communication simulations (VEINS, OMNET++, SUMO, SimuLTE) – mobility models – traffic flow models.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives

  1. To introduce emerging technologies in vehicular communication systems and networks.
  2. To provide insights on challenges and design considerations of V2X communications at various networking layers.
  3. To impart knowledge on various aspects of a vehicular communication network.

Course Outcomes

CO CO Description
CO1 Understand technologies and system architecture of vehicular networks.
CO2 Familiarise on the various vehicular communication protocols and standards.
CO3 Analyze vehicular communication technologies for safety and infotainment applications.
CO4 Implement vehicular communication networks using simulation Tools.

CO-PO Mapping

CO1 3 1 1 3
CO2 2 1 1 3
CO3 3 2 1 1 3
CO4 3 2 1 1 3

Skills acquired

Analysis and design of vehicular communication networks models for vehicular applications.

Text Books / References

  1. Mikael Fallgren, Markus Dillinger, Toktam Mahmoodi, Tommy Svensson, “Cellular V2X for Connected Automated Driving”, Wiley, 2021.
  2. Christophe Sommer and Falko Dressler, “Vehicular Networking”, Cambridge University Press, 2014
  3. Hannes Hartenstein and Kenneth Laberteaux (eds.), “VANET Vehicular Applications and Inter-networking Technologies”, John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
  4. Claudia Campolo, Antonella Molinaro and Riccardo Scopigno, “Vehicular ad hoc Networks: Standards, Solutions”, and Research, Springer, 2015.
  5. Radu Popescu-Zeletin, Ilja Radusch, Mihai Adrian Rigani, “Vehicular-2-X Communication – State-of-the- Art and Research in Mobile Vehicular Adhoc Networks”, Springer, 2010.

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