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Course Detail

Course Name Embedded System
Course Code 24AT612
Program M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering
Semester 2
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore , Chennai , Bengaluru , Amritapuri , Kochi


Lab components 45 hours

  1. GPIO Interfacing using Bosch Freescale
  2. Interfacing of Temperature sensor using Bosch Freescale
  3. ADC using Bosch Freescale
  4. PWM generation using Bosch Freescale
  5. Interfacing of relay using Bosch Freescale
  6. Interfacing of DC motor using Bosch Freescale
  7. Implementation of RS232 communication protocol using Bosch Freescale
  8. Implementation of CAN communication protocol using Bosch Freescale
Unit 1

Embedded vs. General Computing Systems: Overview of Embedded Architecture, Components of Embedded Systems. ARM Cortex-M Features, Block Diagram and Programming Model, GPIO, ADC and PWM Interfacing, Embedded Software Development using C. Introduction to real time operating system (RTOS)-Types, characteristics, functions.

Unit 2

CAN & Wireless networks: RS232, Controller Area Networks (CAN) – physical layer and bit coding-frame types and format-Bit stuffing and synchronization – error management, Wireless Networking Technologies.

Unit 3

EDLC: Electronic control units, Diagnostics, Embedded Operating Systems, Embedded System product Development Life cycle (EDLC).. Case Study: Implementation of Embedded Systems for Lane Departure Warning Systems.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives

  1. To acquire knowledge on fundamental concepts of embedded systems, distinguishing them from general- purpose computing systems.
  2. To familiarize various architectures of embedded systems, including ARM Cortex M, and comprehend their features and programming models.
  3. To imbibe knowledge about embedded operating systems and their role in the development of embedded products, including the embedded system Development Life Cycle (EDLC).
  4. To develop embedded software using the C programming language, focusing on automotive application.

Course Outcomes

CO CO Description
CO1 Identify the unique characteristics of embedded systems.
CO2 Describe various features of ARM Cortex Microcontroller.
CO3 Analyse the significance in the embedded product development life cycle.
CO4 Develop automotive applications using embedded systems.

CO-PO Mapping

CO1 2 1 1 3
CO2 2 1 1 1 3
CO3 3 1 1 1 3
CO4 3 2 1 3 3

Skills acquired

Embedded systems fundamentals, microcontroller, automotive networks and EDLC.

Text Books / References

Text Books / References

  1. Lasiuk, Z., Verma, P., & Andrews, J. “The Insider’s Guide to Arm Cortex-M Development: Leverage embedded software development tools and examples to become an efficient Cortex-M developer”, Packt Publishing; 1st edition , 2022.
  2. Wolf, Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design, Elsevier,
  3. Joseph Yiu ,“The Definitive Guide to ARM® Cortex®-M3 and Cortex®-M4 Processors”, Newnes; 3rd

.edition, 2013

  1. David Katz and Rick Gentile, “Embedded Media Processing”, Elsevier India Private Limited, New Delhi, First Edition, 2006
  2. Shibu KV, “Introduction to Embedded System”, Tata McGraw-Hill, First Edition, 2011
  3. Rajkamal, “Embedded Systems Architecture, Programming and Design”, Tata McGraw-Hill, Second Edition, 2003

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