Interpersonal Skill (2)
The concept of interpersonal skills , understanding one’s own interpersonal needs ( activity) , role of interpersonal skills in personal and professional success.
Group Problem Solving (1)
Group Problem solving activity
Conflict Management (2)
The concept of conflict management , its impact and importance in personal and professional lives, (activity to identify personal style of conflict management, developing insights that helps in future conflict management situations.)
Team Building and Working Effectively in Teams (2)
The concept of groups (teams), different stages of group formation, process of team building, group dynamics, characteristics of effective team, role of leadership in team effectiveness. (exercise to demonstrate the process of emergence of leadership in a group, debrief and reflection), group discussions.
Group Discussion Practice (2)
CV Preparation (2)
Preparation of an industry relevant CV and reviewing the same.
Interview Skills (1)
What is the purpose of a job interview, types of job interviews, how to prepare for an interview, dos and don’ts of interview.
Mock Interview Sessions
Few practice sessions in the class and individual sessions outside the class time (3)
Time and Distance (3)
Speed, distance, displacement, relative speed, average speed, races, boats and
streams-upstream and down-stream movement, problems on trains, concept of relative speed, motion in circular track – clockwise and anti-clockwise rotations.
Time and Work (2)
Unitary method, concept of man-days, efficiency in task completion, sharing of wages proportionately, questions on pipes and cisterns.
Geometry, Mensuration (3)
Line/ray/angles, length of segments, area and properties of geometrical figures, properties of angles, diagonals, LSA, TSA and volume of solids.
Seating Arrangements/ Puzzles (1)
Linear arrangements, circular arrangements, selection, comparison and distribution of objects under given constraints, analysing given constraints and present definitive or probable solutions for a given problem.
Permutations and Combinations (2)
Fundamental principle of counting-selection and arrangement of objects, factorial notations, permutations with/without repetition, rank of a word, sum of all permutations, team formation with certain constraints.
Probability (2)
Chances, odds in favour and odds against favour, events-independent and mutually exclusive types, conditional probability.
Nonverbal Reasoning (1)
Picture based series, mirror image, water image, paper folding, paper cutting, grouping of figures, figure matrix.
Quant Based Reasoning (1)
Case study, application oriented problems.
Reasoning (7)
Introduction to higher order thinking skills and deductive reasoning through critical thinking and syllogisms exercises. students are trained to think critically and analyse an argument critically. they practice these skills extensively.
Logical Ordering of Sentences (3)
Improve logical thinking and ability to put ideas cohesively.
Reading Comprehension (2)
Intermediate & advanced level reading passages are provided to the students for practice. Students are taught techniques to read a dense passage in a fast & accurate manner.
Punctuation and E-mail writing (3)
Students hone their e-mail writing skills and are taught the essentials of punctuation and e-mail etiquette.