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Course Detail

Course Name Introduction to Research Projects
Course Code 24COM306
Semester 5
Credits 3


Unit 1

Meaning of research –objectives of research – importance of research in different fields with special reference to commerce and management. Types of research – defining a research problem

– literature review – research design- Different steps.

Unit 2

Meaning and importance of data in research. Collection of data – observation methods, interview method, questionnaire, and schedule method of data collection. Census method of data collection.

Unit 3

Sampling design and different sampling techniques – their advantages and disadvantages. Probability methods – random sampling, systematic sampling, and stratified sampling, non- probability methods – convenience sampling, judgment sampling, quota sampling – merits of sampling.

Unit 4

Classification and analysis of data. Tabulation – advantages, types of tables – inclusive and exclusive tables – open end tables – qualities of a good table, parts of a statistical table – design of tables. Types of analysis of data – Time series analysis – diagrams and graphs – construction of graphs, bar diagrams, histograms, frequency polygon, and frequency curves –ogives. Hypothesis, testing of hypothesis.

Unit 5

Components of a research project, Preparation of project report. Appendices and bibliography.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective: To equip students to conduct research in different areas of business effectively.

Course outcomes:

The student will be able:

CO1: To understand the basic concepts of research and types of research.

CO2: To describe the data collection methods and employ the various data collection tools.

CO3: To identify the appropriate sampling techniques to be used for the research problem.

CO4: To analyze the data collected by applying the appropriate statistical tools and test the formulated hypotheses.

CO5: To develop the skill of drafting research reports.

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CO4 2 2 3 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 2 1 2 2
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Text Books / References

Text Books:

  1. Khunte LG, S Sree Priya, Muthulakshmi R and Susan Mathew – Research Methodology and Publication Ethics – Rest Publisher
  2. M. Vineeth and M. C. Dileep Kumar – Research Methodology – Kalyani Publishers
  3. Andy Field – Discovering Statistics using IBM SPSS STATISTICS – Sage Publication (4th Edition)


  1. Kothari – Research Methodology – New Age Publishers
  2. Ranjit Kumar – Research Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners – Pearson
  3. Anil Tandon – Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques – Chand Publication.
  4. Paneerselvam – Research Methodology – PHI

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