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Course Detail

Course Name Introduction to product sketching
Course Code 24OEL269
Program BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration), 5 Year Integrated B.Sc. – M.Sc. Visual Communication
Credits 3
Campus Mysuru


OPEN ELECTIVES-UG (Arts , Humanities and Commerce)

Unit 1

Introduction to 2D and 3D Form

Basics of line drawing and shape representation. Radii manipulation in 2D and 3D forms.

Unit 2

Exploration of Surface Textures

Techniques for depicting different material textures. Rendering textures in sketches.

Unit 3

Form Transition

Understanding how forms transition from 2D to 3D. Sketching form variations.

Unit 4

Imagination and Insight

Using metaphors to inspire new forms. Developing creative sketches.

Unit 5

Sketching Techniques

Perspective drawing in product design. Effective use of line and shadow.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective:

This course aims to introduce students to the fundamental principles of sketching in the context of product design. The course will cover both 2D and 3D sketching techniques, emphasizing the importance of visual communication in the design process. Students will learn to: Understand the role of sketching in product design. Develop basic sketching skills using different materials. Apply perspective and shading techniques to represent 3D forms. Communicate design ideas effectively through sketches. Explore the concept of family of forms and metaphors in design.

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Identify different types of sketching materials.

CO2: Explain the significance of sketching in the design process.

CO3: Create 2D and 3D sketches of simple objects. CO4: Critique and analyze existing product sketches. CO5: Generate new forms through sketching.

CO6: Assess the impact of metaphors in shaping design concepts.

Text Books / References


  1. Koos Eissen, Roselien Steur – Sketching: Drawing Techniques for Product Designers
  2. Erik Olofsson and Klara Sjolen – Design Sketching
  3. Scott Robertson – How to Draw: Sketching and Drawing Objects and Environments from Your Imagination – Design Studio Press
  4. Hardi Meybaum – The Art of Product Design: Changing How Things Get Made – Wiley
  5. Bill Buxton – Sketching User Experiences: The Workbook – Morgan Kaufmann
  6. Conrad Rider – Sketching for Product Design and AEC

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