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Course Detail

Course Name Introduction to Architectural Science
Course Code 23CIE363
Program B. Tech. in Civil Engineering
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore


Unit 1

Principles of architectural design: Factors influencing architectural development-examples. Primary elements –

Form and Space.

Organizing principles in architecture – symmetry – hierarchy – axis, linear, concentric, radial – asymmetric grouping-

Primary and secondary masses. Principles of architectural composition – unity – balance- proportion – scale –

rhythm – harmony – contrast.

Role of colour, texture, shapes/forms in architecture. Forms related to materials and structural systems. Architecture

as part of the environment.

Unit 2

The Thermal Environment: Climatic elements: classification of climates. Earth’s thermal balance. Thermal balance of human body – thermal comfort indices – comfort zone.

Thermo-physical properties of building materials: resistance and transmittance – solar gain factor. Heat flow through buildings – thermal transmittance of structural elements – periodic heat flow. Sun-building relationship.

Design criteria for control of climate – passive and active approaches.

Unit 3

The Luminous Environment: Types of visual tasks – principles of day lighting – day light factor – evaluation of lighting by windows, skylights. Artificial lighting – illumination requirements –lamps and luminaries. Design of artificial lighting – Lumen method – Point by point method.

The Sonic Environment: Physics of sound – airborne and structure borne propagation –behavior of sound in free field and enclosures – design criteria for spaces – acoustical defects – sound reduction, sound insulation and reverberation control – acoustic materials – types and fixtures.

Potential case studies

  1. Critical review based on architectural design principles – ancient/monumental/modern buildings
  2. Case study on thermal or visual comfort audit for a commercial/office building
  3. Exposure to Energy simulation tools

Objectives and Outcomes

Prerequisite(s): 23CIE204 Construction Materials & Methods

Course Objectives

To highlight the basic concepts of architectural composition in the development of built environment.

To expose the students to the concepts of functional design of buildings in tropical climates.

Assessing comprehension of the course through case studies given as project work.

Course Outcome

CO1: Apply knowledge of architectural design principles to critically evaluate building form and space

CO2: Apply knowledge of thermo-physical properties of materials in evaluating heat flow through buildings

CO3: Evaluate quality of indoor climate based on thermal comfort indices and suggest control methods

CO4: Evaluate the natural and artificial lighting of indoor spaces

CO5: Apply knowledge of behavior sound in free field and enclosures to analyze acoustical features.

CO-PO Mapping

CO1 3 2 2 1 1 1
CO2 3 3 2 1 1 2
CO3 3 3 2 1 1 2 2
CO4 3 3 2 1 1 1 2
CO5 3 3 2 1 1

Text Books / References

Text Book 

“Sustainable Building Design Manual- Volume II”, Published by TERI, New Delhi, 2009.


Kibert, C.J., “Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and Delivery”, Wiley, 2022. 

Steven V. Szokolay., “Introduction to Architectural Science – The Basis of Sustainable Design”, Routledge, 2014.

Sandy Halliday, “Sustainable Construction”, Routledge, (Taylor & Francis Group), 2013.

Dejan Mumovic and Mat Santamouris (Ed), “A Handbook of Sustainable Building Design and Engineering”, Routledge, 2021

 Francis D. K. Ching, Ian M. Shapiro, “Green Building Illustrated”, Wiley, 2020.


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