Unit 1
Differentiation: Numerical methods, forward difference and central difference methods, Lagrange’s interpolation method.
Integration: Newton – cotes expression for integral, trapezoidal rule, Simpsons’s rule, Gauss quadrature method.
Course Name | Introduction to Computational Physics |
Course Code | 15PHY234 |
Program | B. Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, B. Tech. in Civil Engineering, B. Tech. in Aerospace Engineering, B. Tech. in Chemical Engineering, B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering, B. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) |
Year Taught | 2019 |
Differentiation: Numerical methods, forward difference and central difference methods, Lagrange’s interpolation method.
Integration: Newton – cotes expression for integral, trapezoidal rule, Simpsons’s rule, Gauss quadrature method.
Solution of differential equations: Taylor series method, Euler method, Runge Kutta method, predictor-corrector method.
Roots of equations: Polynomial equations, graphical methods, bisectional method, Newton-Raphson method, false position method.
Solution of simultaneous equations: Elimination method for solving simultaneous linear equations, Gauss elimination method, pivotal condensation method, Gaussseidal iteration method, Gauss Jordan method, matrix inversion method.
Eigen values and Eigen vectors of matrix: Determinant of a matrix, characteristic equation of a matrix, eigen values and eigen vectors of a matrix, power method.
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