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Course Detail

Course Name International Conference Presentation and Research Publication
Course Code 24COM498
Program B. Com. (Honours/ Honours with Research) in Taxation and Finance, B.B.A.  (Honours/ Honours with Research) 
Semester 8
Credits 10

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective:

The objective of this course is to equip the students with the essential skills and knowledge required to successfully present their research/project at international conferences and publish their findings and suggestions in reputed international academic journals.

Course Outcomes:

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

CO1: Understand the concepts and principles of research methodology for conducting research/ project.

CO2: Apply research methodologies to conduct research/project in the areas like Finance, Management, marketing, human resource management etc.

CO3: Analyse and interpret the collected data to provide meaningful results.

CO4: Prepare research reports exhibiting the major findings and suggestions to the research problem.

CO5: Enhance their communication and presentation skills through sharing their research outputs.

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern:

  • Research Paper Proposal (20%): Students will have to submit a research or project proposal including the research question, methodology, and expected
  • Research Paper Final (30%): Students will have to conduct their research work and submit the paper with findings and
  • International Seminar Presentation (20%): Students will have to present their research findings in an international seminar/conference. The International seminar/conference should be relevant to the field of Commerce and Management/Social Science.
  • Research publication (30%): The research paper will have to be published in reputed international academic journals in the field of Commerce and Management/Social .

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