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Course Detail

Course Name Statistical Quality Control
Course Code 24MAT547
Program Integrated M. Sc. Mathematics and Computing
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore


Introduction to Total Quality Management – Japanese System of Total Quality Management- Quality Circles – 7 Quality Control tools – 7 New Quality Control tools.

Basic concept of quality control, process control and product control -Process and measurement system capability analysis – Area properties of Normal distribution. Statistical process control, theory of control charts, Shewhart control charts for variables-???, R, s charts, attribute control charts – p, np, c, u charts, modified control charts.

ARL curves of control charts, moving average control charts, EWMA charts, CUSUM charts – two sided and one sided procedures – V – mask technique, process capability analysis, process capability indices, Metrics of Six sigma, The DMAIC cycle – Design for Six Sigma – Lean Sigma – Statistical tools for Six Sigma.

Acceptance sampling for attributes, single sampling, double sampling, multiple sampling and sequential sampling plans, rectifying inspection plans, measuring performance of the sampling plans- OC, AOQ, ASN, ATI curves.

Taguchi methods: Meaning of Quality, Taguchi’s loss function, Introduction to orthogonal arrays – test strategies, steps in designing, conducting and analyzing an experiment, parameter and tolerance design: control and noise factors, signal to noise ratios, experimental design in Taguchi Methods, orthogonal arrays and parameter Design.

Text Books / References

Text and Reference books

  1. Ishikawa K, Guide to Quality Control, 2nd Edition: Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo (1983).
  2. Ravichandran.J, Probability and Statistics for Engineers, 1st Edition 2012 (Reprint), Wiley India.
  3. Montgomery Douglas C., Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, Sixth Edition. John Wiley & Sons,(2008).
  4. Harry, M and Schroeder , Six Sigma: The Breakthrough Management Strategy. Currency Publishers,USA. (2000)
  5. Taguchi G, Introduction to Quality Engineering: Designing Quality into Products and Processes, Asian Productivity Organization, Second Edition. (1991).

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