Introduction to Total Quality Management – Japanese System of Total Quality Management- Quality Circles – 7 Quality Control tools – 7 New Quality Control tools.
Basic concept of quality control, process control and product control -Process and measurement system capability analysis – Area properties of Normal distribution. Statistical process control, theory of control charts, Shewhart control charts for variables-???, R, s charts, attribute control charts – p, np, c, u charts, modified control charts.
ARL curves of control charts, moving average control charts, EWMA charts, CUSUM charts – two sided and one sided procedures – V – mask technique, process capability analysis, process capability indices, Metrics of Six sigma, The DMAIC cycle – Design for Six Sigma – Lean Sigma – Statistical tools for Six Sigma.
Acceptance sampling for attributes, single sampling, double sampling, multiple sampling and sequential sampling plans, rectifying inspection plans, measuring performance of the sampling plans- OC, AOQ, ASN, ATI curves.
Taguchi methods: Meaning of Quality, Taguchi’s loss function, Introduction to orthogonal arrays – test strategies, steps in designing, conducting and analyzing an experiment, parameter and tolerance design: control and noise factors, signal to noise ratios, experimental design in Taguchi Methods, orthogonal arrays and parameter Design.