Artificial Intelligence (AI): A Brief review – Pitfalls of Traditional AI–Why computational intelligence (CI)– Concepts of CI – Importance of tolerance of imprecision and uncertainty– Constituent techniques of CI– overview of Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Evolutionary Computation.
Fuzzy Logic:Introduction – the case of imprecision, the utility and limitation of fuzzy systems. Classical sets and Fuzzy sets: operations, properties and mapping.
Classical relations and fuzzy relations: cardinality, operations, properties and composition – tolerance and equivalence relations. Properties of membership function, fuzzification and defuzzification. Logic and fuzzysystems. Fuzzy control systems – Aircraft landing control problems.
Evolutionary computation: Introduction – Constituent algorithms – Using Genetic Algorithm for solving simple optimization problems. Swarm intelligence algorithms – Overview of other bio-inspired algorithms – Over view of Hybrid approaches (neural networks, fuzzy logics, genetic algorithm etc).