Online Social Networks (OSNs):
Introduction – Types of social networks (e.g., Twitter, Facebook), Measurement and Collection of Social Network Data. Techniques to study different aspects of OSNs — Follower-followee dynamics, link farming, spam detection, hashtag popularity and prediction, linguistic styles of tweets. Case Study: An Analysis of Demographic and Behaviour Trends using Social Media: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Fundamentals of Social Data Analytics:
Introduction – Working with Social Media Data, Topic Models, Modelling social interactions on the Web – Agent Based Simulations, Random Walks and variants, Case Study: Social Network Influence on Mode Choice and Carpooling during Special Events: The Case of Purdue Game Day
Applied Social Data Analytics:
Application of Topic models, Information Diffusion, Opinions and Sentiments – Mining, Analysis and Summarization, Case Study: Sentiment Analysis on a set of Movie Reviews using Deep Learning techniques, Recommendation Systems, Language dynamics and influence in online communities, Community identification, link prediction and topical search in social networks, Case Study: The Interplay of Identity and Social Network: A Methodological and Empirical Study