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Course Detail

Course Name Predictive Analytics
Course Code 24CSC535
Program Integrated M. Sc. Mathematics and Computing
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore


Introduction to Data Mining Introduction, what is Data Mining: Concepts of Data mining, Technologies Used, Data Mining Process, KDD Process Model, CRISP – DM, Mining on various kinds of data, Applications of Data Mining, Challenges of Data Mining. Data Understanding and Preparation Introduction, Reading data from various sources, Data visualization, Distributions and summary statistics, Relationships among variables, Extent of Missing Data. Segmentation, Outlier detection, Automated Data Preparation, Combining data files, Aggregate Data, Duplicate Removal, Sampling DATA, Data Caching, Partitioning data, Missing Values. Model development & techniques Data Partitioning, Model selection, Model Development Techniques, Neural networks, Decision trees, Logistic regression, Discriminant analysis, Support vector machine, Bayesian Networks, Linear Regression, Cox Regression, Association rules.

Model Evaluation and Deployment Introduction, Model Validation, Rule Induction Using CHAID, Automating Models for Categorical and Continuous targets, Comparing and Combining Models, Evaluation Charts for Model Comparison, Meta Level Modeling, Deploying Model, Assessing Model Performance, Updating a Model.

Text Books / References

  1. Eric Siegel, Predictive Analytics, Wiley, 2021
  2. Jeffrey T  Prince and Amarnath Bose, A Predictive Analytics for Business Strategy – Reasoning from Data to Actionable Knowledge, Mc Graw Hill, 2020.
  3. David L Olson, Data Mining Models, Business Expert Press, 2016

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