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Course Detail

Course Name High Performance Computing
Course Code 24CSC546
Program Integrated M. Sc. Mathematics and Computing
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore


Parallel and Distributed Programming Models: Introduction to high performance computing, basic definitions: cluster, grid, meta-computing, middleware etc., examples of representative applications. Programming models: shared memory, message passing, peer-to-peer. Development of parallel and distributed applications, Design phases, Common parallel patterns, Performance metrics and profiling.

Overview of Cluster Computing: The Role of Clusters, Definition and Taxonomy, Distributed Computing, Limitations, Architecture of cluster-based systems, Design Decisions, Network Hardware, Network Software, Protocols Distributed File Systems, Virtualization technologies, Issues in cluster design: performance, single-system-image, fault tolerance, manageability, programmability, load balancing, security, storage. Introduction of Grid Computing: Introduction, Evolution of the Grid, Definitions of Grid Computing, Infrastructure of hardware and software, Grid models, Applications, Examples of usage, Research possibilities / scope in Grid Computing, HPC and Grids, Scheduling HPC applications in Grids, Grid Monitoring Architecture (GMA) – An Overview of Grid Monitoring Systems.

Integrating task parallelism with data parallelism: Introduction and motivation, A model for integrating task parallelism into data parallel programming platforms, Integration of the model into ARC, Design and implementation applications, performance analysis, guidelines for composing user programs, related work. Anonymous remote computing and communication model: Introduction, Location in dependent inter task communication with DP, DP model of iterative grid computations, Design and implementationofdistributedpipes.

Text Books / References


  1. “Grid Computing a Research Monograph” by Janakiram, Tata McGraw hill publications
  2. Joshy Joseph & Craig Fellenstein, “Grid Computing”, Pearson Education
  3. “Grid Computing: A Practical Guide to technology and Applications” by Ahmar Abbas, Charles River media.

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