INTRODUCTION TO DATA WRANGLING: What Is Data Wrangling?- Importance of Data Wrangling -How is Data Wrangling performed?- Tasks of Data Wrangling-Data Wrangling Tools-
Introduction to Python-Python Basics-Data Meant to Be Read by Machines-CSV Data-JSON Data- XML Data.
WORKING WITH EXCEL FILES AND PDFS: Installing Python Packages-Parsing Excel Files-Parsing Excel Files -Getting Started with Parsing-PDFs and Problem Solving in Python- Programmatic Approaches to PDF Parsing-Converting PDF to Text-Parsing PDFs Using pdf
miner-Acquiring and Storing Data-Databases: A Brief Introduction-Relational Databases: MySQL and PostgreSQL-Non-Relational Databases: NoSQL-When to Use a Simple File- Alternative Data Storage.
DATA CLEANUP: Why Clean Data?- Data Clean up Basics-Identifying Values for Data Clean up-Formatting Data-Finding Outliers and Bad Data-Finding Duplicates-Fuzzy Matching-RegEx Matching-Normalizing and Standardizing the Data-Saving the Data-Determining suitable Data Clean up-Scripting the Clean up-Testing with New Data.
DATA EXPLORATION AND ANALYSIS: Exploring Data-Importing Data-Exploring Table Functions-Joining Numerous Datasets-Identifying Correlations-Identifying Outliers-Creating Groupings-Analyzing Data-Separating and Focusing the Data-Presenting Data-Visualizing the Data-Charts-Time-Related Data-Maps-Interactives-Words-Images, Video, and Illustrations- Presentation Tools-Publishing the Data-Open Source Platforms.
WEB SCRAPING: What to Scrape and How-Analyzing a Web Page-Network/Timeline- Interacting with JavaScript-In-Depth Analysis of a Page-Getting Pages-Reading a Web Page- Reading a Web Page with
LXML-XPath-Advanced Web Scraping-Browser-Based Parsing-Screen Reading with Selenium- Screen Reading with Ghost. Py-Spidering the Web-Building a Spider with Scrapy-Crawling Whole Websites with Scrapy.