Stream ciphers: Pseudo-random generators, Attacks on the one time pad, Linear generators, Cryptanalysis of linear congruential generators, The subset sum generator.
Block ciphers: Pseudorandom functions and permutations (PRFs and PRPs), PRP under chosen plaintext attack and chosen ciphertext attack, Case study: DES, AES, modes of operation.
Message integrity: Cryptographic hash functions, message authentication code, CBC MAC and its security, Cryptographic hash functions based MACs, Authenticated Encryption- Authenticated encryption ciphers from generic composition.
Public key encryption: RSA, Rabin, Knapsack cryptosystems, Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol, ElGamal encryption, Elliptic curve cryptography.
Digital signatures: RSA, ElGamal and Rabin’s signature schemes, blind signatures.
Entity authentication: Passwords, challenge-response algorithms, zero-knowledge protocols.
Network security: Certification, public-key infra-structure (PKI), secure socket layer (SSL), Kerberos.