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Course Detail

Course Name Cloud Computing
Course Code 24CSC543
Program Integrated M. Sc. Mathematics and Computing
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore


Cloud Computing Overview: Origins of Cloud computing – Cloud components – Essential characteristics – On-demand self- service, Broad network access, Location independent resource pooling ,Rapid elasticity, Measured service, Comparing cloud providers with traditional IT service providers, Roots of cloud computing. Cloud Insights: Architectural influences – High-performance computing, Utility and Enterprise grid computing, Cloud scenarios – Benefits: scalability ,simplicity ,vendors,security, Limitations – Sensitive information – Application development- security level of third party – security benefits, Regularity issues: Government policies. Cloud Architecture: Layers in cloud architecture, Software as a Service (SaaS), features of SaaS and benefits, Platform as a Service ( PaaS ), features of PaaS and benefits, Infrastructure as a Service ( IaaS), features of IaaS and benefits, Service providers, challenges and risks in cloud adoption. Cloud deployment model: Public clouds – Private clouds – Community clouds- Hybrid clouds – Advantages of Cloud computing. Cloud Simulators: CloudSim and GreenCloud: Introduction to Simulator, understanding CloudSim simulator, CloudSim Architecture(User code, CloudSim, GridSim, SimJava) Understanding Working platform for CloudSim, Introduction to GreenCloud. Module-V: Introduction to VMWare Simulator Basics of VMWare, advantages of VMware virtualization, using Vmware workstation, creating virtual machines-understanding virtual machines, create a new virtual machine on local host, cloning virtual machines, virtualize a physical machine, starting and stopping a virtual machine.

Text Books / References

Text Books

  1. Cloud computing a practical approach – Anthony Velte , Toby J. Velte Robert Elsenpeter, TATAMcGraw-Hill,NewDelhi2010.
  2. Cloud Computing: Web-Based Applications That Change the Way You Work and Collaborate Online – Michael Miller – Que 2008.


  1. Cloud computing for dummies- Judith Hurwitz , Robin Bloor , Marcia Kaufman ,Fern Halper,WileyPublishing,Inc,2010.
  2. Cloud Computing (Principles and Paradigms), Edited by Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg, Andrzej Goscinski, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2011.

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