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Course Detail

Course Name Big Data Storage and Analysis
Course Code 24CSC541
Program Integrated M. Sc. Mathematics and Computing
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore


Introduction: Scaling with Traditional Databases – NoSQL need – First Princples – Desired Properties- Lambda Architectures. Batch Layer- Big data model – properties – fact based modeling – graph schemas – Apache Thrift,

Data Storage on Batch Layers – Requirements- Solutions- Distributed File Systems and Partitioning- Hadoop basics, Computing on Batch Layer- Algorithms-Scalability-MapReduce, Batch Layer Architecture and Algorithms – Design Overview and Workflow, Ingesting New Data, Normalization.

Serving Layer- Performance Metrics, Requirements and Design, ElephantDB. Speed Layer- Realtime Views, Cassandra basics, Query and Stream Processing , Apache Storm

Text Books / References

Nathan Marz, James Warren, “Big Data: Principles and best practices of scalable real-time data systems”, Manning Publications 2015.


  1. Tom White, “Hadoop – The Definitive Guide”, O′Reilly; 3 edition (12 June 2012) Randy Abernethy, “Programmer’s Guide to Apache Thrift”, Manning Publications, 2019
  2. Jeff Carpenter, Eben Hewitt, “Cassandra: The Definitive Guide: Distributed Data at Web Scale”, 2nd Edition, O’Reilly, 2016
  3. Ankit Jain, “Mastering Apache Storm”, Packt Publishing, 2017,

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