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Course Detail

Course Name Advanced Big Data Analytics
Course Code 24CSC548
Program Integrated M. Sc. Mathematics and Computing
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore


How MapReduce Works – Anatomy of a MapReduce Job Run, Failures, Shuffle and Sort, Task Execution MapReduce Types and Formats – MapReduce Types, Input Formats, output formats, MapReduce Features- Counters, Sorting, Joins, Side Data Distribution

Simple analytics using MapReduce, Calculating frequency distributions and sorting using MapReduce, Calculating histograms using MapReduce, Calculating scatter plots using MapReduce. Hierarchical clustering, Clustering algorithm to large dataset, classification using Navie bayes classifier, other applications.

Text Books / References

Text Books/References:

  1. Tom White , Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, Fourth Edition , O’Reilly Media ,2009
  2. Srinath Perera and Thilina Gunarathne , Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook : Recipes for analyzing large and complex datasets with Hadoop MapReduce, Packt PublishingLtd,2013

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