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Course Detail

Course Name Information Technology in Banking
Course Code 24OEL660
Program M. Com. (Finance & Systems)
Semester Elective
Credits 2
Campus Amritapuri


Unit 1

Bank and Banking: Meaning and definition, development of banking in India, types banks, banking systems, types of banking systems, commercial banks, functions, nationalization of commercial banks in India.

Unit 2

Central Banking, functions, Reserve Bank of India, State Bank of India.

Unit 3

Banker and Customer, opening an account, Pass Book and Pay–in Slip, Cheques, types of cheques, crossing of cheques.

Unit 4

Role of information technology in banking services, Core Banking, Automated Teller Machine (ATM), Electronic Clearing Service (ECS), NEFT and RTGS, Mobile Banking.

Unit 5

Debit Card and Credit Card, banking and E-Commerce, Point of Sales (PoS), Online bill payment and ticket reservation – future of electronic banking.

Course Objective and Outcomes

Objective: To provide an understanding on the technology enabled banking services and their applications.

References Books

  1. Sundaram and Varshney – Banking Law, Theory and Practice, Sultan Chand 
  2. B. Santhanam – Banking and Financial Systems, Margham Publications 
  3. S.N. Maheswari – Banking Law, Theory and Practice, Kalyani Publications 
  4. Parameswaran – Indian Banking, S.Chand and Co

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