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Course Detail

Course Name Industrial Laws and Industrial Relationships (IL &IR)
Course Code 23HR412E
Program MBA
Credits 3
Course category Core Elective
Area Human Resource


Module 1

Module 1: Industrial Laws (7.5 hours)

  1. Various perspectives on industrial laws.
  2. Important Acts and Amendments (e.g., Payment of Wages Act (1936), Minimum Wages act (1948), Employees Compensation Act (2009), Factories Act (1948), The Employees PF & MP Act (1952), The Employees State Insurance Act (1948), Maternity Benefit Act (1961), Paymentof Bonus Act (1965), Payment of Gratuity Act (1972), Industrial Employment Standing Orders Act (1946), Contract Labour and Abolition Act, etc.).
  3. Labour Codes.
Module 2

Module 2: Laws on Industrial Relations (7.5 hours)

  1. Introduction to Industrial Relations. \
  2. Trade Union or Labour Union.
  3. Industrial Dispute Act – 1947 (i.e., Salient features, Causes, Resolution mechanisms, Types of settlements, Special Provisions relating to Public Utilities, Protected workmen provisions, Strikes, and its handling, Retrenchment of Workmen.
  4. Discipline in Industries.
  5. Industrial Harmony.
Module 3

Module 3: Risk Management (7.5 hours)

  1. Risk Management (Non-compliance and its consequences).
  2. Cases on Industrial laws.
Module 4

Module 4: Risk Mitigation (7.5 hours)

  1. Risk Mitigation & Management.
  2. Cases on Industrial relations.

 Course Description  & Course Outcomes

Course Description

Compliances with industrial and labor laws are critical to an organization’s functioning, and employee relations are key to human resource management. This course includes important aspects of industrial laws and industrial relations.

Course Outcomes& Learning levels

The course aims to impart comprehensive knowledge of industrial laws and industrial relations.

  1. Able to develop a comprehensive understanding of industrial laws and compliances.
  2. Able to identify the critical perspectives of industrial relations.
  3. Able to diagnose issues and challenges in various disputes related to industrial laws and industrial relations.
  4. Able to develop risk management strategies to deal with issues of industrial relations.

Evaluation Pattern

# Assessment Component Percentage of Marks
1 Continuous Assessment * 60
2 End –Term Examination 40

*Based on assignments / Tests / Quizzes / Case Studies / Projects / Term paper / Field visit report.

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