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Unit 1

Introduction: Differences between novel and short stories – origin and development of short stories – Rabindranath Tagore: Kabuliwallah; Mulk Raj Anand: The Gold Watch.

Unit 2

R. K. Narayan: Sweets for Angels; K. A. Abbas: The Refugee; Khushwant Singh: The Mark of Vishnu.

Unit 3

Masti Venkatesha Iyengar: The Curds-Seller; Manohar Malgonkar: Upper Division Love; Romila Thapar: The Spell; Premchand: The Voice of God.

Text Books

  1. M. G. Narasimha Murthy (ed), Famous Indian Stories. Hyderabad: Orient Black Swan, 2014


  • Mohan Ramanan (Ed), English and the Indian Short Story: Essays in Criticism, Hyderabad, Orient BlackSwan, 2000.

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