Unit 1
Human Resource Management – Concept – Human Resource and its Importance- Evolution of Human Resource Management – Functions and Scope of Human Resource Management – Process of Human Resource Management – Importance of Human Resource Management – Human Resource Manager: Responsibilities – Qualities – Role of a Human Resource Manager.
Unit 2
Human Resource Planning: Meaning – Need for human resource planning – Process of manpower planning – Purposes and uses of job analysis – Contents of job analysis – Steps in job analysis – Job evaluation – Objectives and principles of Job evaluation – Procedure of job evaluation – Advantages and disadvantages of job evaluation.
Unit 3
Recruitment: Meaning and definition – Purpose and importance – Sources of recruitment – Selection: Selection process – Barriers to effective selection – Placement and Orientation: Meaning – Problems of orientation – Training and Development: Types of training Programmes
– Requisites of an effective training programme – Difference between Training and Development.
Unit 4
Motivation – Meaning and concept – Theories of motivation: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – Herzberg’s two-Factor Theory – Expectancy Theory – Equity Theory – McClelland’s Three Needs Theory – Theory X and Theory Y – Theory Z – Performance appraisal: Meaning – Objectives – Performance appraisal process.
Unit 5
Human Resource Accounting and Human Resource Audit: Human Resource Accounting – Meaning- Need – Objectives – Advantages and Limitations of Human Resource Accounting – Human Resource Audit: Meaning – Features, Objectives of Human Resource Audit – Benefits and Limitations of Human Resource Audit.
Objectives and Outcomes
Course Objective:
To enable the students to gain a basic level of knowledge about the concept of Human Resource Management.
Course Outcomes:
The student will be able:
- CO1: To Understand basic concepts of Human Resource
- CO2: To Understand concepts of manpower planning, analysis of jobs and evaluation of
- CO3: To Understand the process of recruitment, selection, and training in an
- CO4: To understand performance appraisal processes and their significance in
managing human resources effectively.
- CO5: To understand the concepts of Human Resource Accounting and Human Resource Audit and their relevance in organizational decision-making.
PO1 |
PO2 |
PO3 |
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PO10 |
PO11 |
PO12 |
PO13 |
PO14 |
PO15 |
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CO3 |
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3 |
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CO5 |
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Text Books / References
Text Books:
- Aswathappa – Human Resource Management – McGraw Hill
V.S.P. Rao – Human Resource Management – Excel Books.
Gray Dessler – Human Resource Management – Pearson Edwin Flippo – Personnel Management – Mc Graw Hill
Dr. C B Gupta – Human Resource Management Text and Cases – Sultan Chand & Sons.