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Course Detail


Unit 1

Green marketing – Meaning – Definition – Evolution of green marketing – Assumptions of green marketing – Types – Importance of Green Marketing -Reasons for adopting green marketing -benefits of green marketing – Green Marketing Mix.

Unit 2

Green Marketing Mix (GMM) and Sustainability – Meaning – concept of GMM – Strategies – Challenges – The concept of Sustainability and Green Marketing/Consumers and pioneering efforts in India – Guiding principles of Sustainability and Green Marketing/ Consumers – Common assumptions and myths of green marketing – Method of bringing sustainability in green marketing in India.

Unit 3

Green Spinning – Green Selling – Green Harvesting – Enviropreneur Marketing – Compliance Marketing – Green Washing – Climate Performance Leadership Index Promotional Channels of Green Marketing.

Unit 4

Functional Groups in Green Marketing – Functions within the market – Role of Wholesalers and Retailers- Role of banking institutions- funders and donors. Difference between general marketing and green marketing.

Unit 5

Governance and Legal Institutions – Role of governance in sustaining green marketing -Implications of governance – Impact of emerging green technologies for the manufacturing Sector.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objective:

To understand and apply green marketing principles and strategies to enhance sustainability, address environmental challenges, and foster ethical business practices in both Indian and global contexts.

Course Outcomes:

The student will be able:

CO1: To Identify and describe the types of green marketing and reasons for adopting green marketing.

CO2: To explain the concept and guiding principles of sustainability in green marketing. CO3: To identify key terms such as green spinning, green selling, and green harvesting. CO4: To evaluate the effectiveness of different stakeholders in promoting green marketing.

CO5: To assess the impact of governance on green marketing strategies.

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Text Books / References


  1. Amitabha Ghose – Green Marketing Strategies –ICFAI University Press
  2. Tanushree Purohit, A.K Das Mohapatra – Green Marketing in the Indian Retail Sector – Lambert Academic Publishing
  3. Robert Dahlstrom – Green Marketing Management – Pearson
  4. Robert Dahlstrom- Green Marketing, Theory, Practice and Strategies – Pearson
  5. Monica Loss – Green Marketing Strategies and Consumer Behavior


  1. Esakki and Thangasamy – Green Marketing and Environmental Responsibility in Modern Corporations – IGI Global
  2. Jacquelyn A. Ottman – Green Marketing: Challenges and Opportunities for the New Marketing Age – NTC Business Books
  3. Jacquelyn Ottman – The New Rules of Green Marketing – Berrett-Koehler Publishers

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