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Course Detail

Course Name Geology & Soil Mechanics
Course Code 23CIE211
Program B. Tech. in Civil Engineering
Semester 4
Credits 3
Campus Mysuru


Unit 1

General geology – Weathering – Geological work of wind and water. Mineralogy, Petrology – Three–fold classification of rocks and their characteristic features. Structural geology – Types and classification of structures (Folds and faults) and their effect on civil engineering projects, Rock mass classification systems – intact rocks & rock mass discontinuities- classifications based on (a) stand-up time, (b) Rock quality designation (RQD), (c) Rock structure rating (RSR), (d) Rock mass rating (RMR), (e) Rock mass quality (Q-system), (f) Geological strength index (GSI) & (g) Modulus of jointed rock mass.

Geology in Civil Engineering – Tunnels, dams, reservoirs, bridges, runways, roads and buildings.

Origin and formation of soils. Soil structure and clay mineralogy – Adsorbed water – Mass- volume relationship – Relative density.

Index Properties of Soils: Grain size analysis – Sieve and hydrometer methods – Consistency limits and Indices – I.S. Classification of soil.

Unit 2

Compaction: Mechanism of compaction – factors affecting – effects of compaction on soil properties – Field compaction equipment – compaction control.

Permeability: Soil water – capillary rise – flow of water through soils – Darcy’s law- Permeability – Factors affecting permeability – Laboratory determination of coefficient of permeability –Permeability of layered systems.

Seepage through soils: Total, neutral and effective stresses –Quick sand condition – Seepage through soils –Flownets: characteristics and uses.

Unit 3

Stress distribution in soils: Boussinesq’s and Westergaard’s theories for point loads and areas of different shapes – Newmark’s influence chart.

Consolidation: Stress history of clay; ep and e-log p curves, Standard 1-d Consolidation Test, Computation of Consolidation Settlement, Rate of One-Dimensional Consolidation theory of Terzaghi, Settlement Analysis

Shear strength of soils: Stress-Strain Curve, Mohr-Coulomb Failure theory, Laboratory measurement of Shear Strength, Shear strength of Saturated Cohesive Soils, Pore pressure Coefficients, Shear strength of Granular Soils.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives

To explain the influence of geological conditions of the earth on construction practices.

To provide an exposure to the concept of three phase system and apply it for estimation of soil properties.

To elucidate the role of water in soil behavior and its applications in soil stresses, permeability and seepage.

To explain the volume-change behavior in soil and consolidation settlement.

To explain the concepts and methods to determine shear strength parameters and stress changes in soil.

Course Outcome

CO1: Identify and classify rocks using basic geologic features and to apply those concepts on rock engineering

projects and understand the role of geology in construction processes.

CO2: Ability to classify soil with reference to their characteristics and the calculated index and engineering properties and relate compaction of soil to its properties.

CO3: Analyze and evaluate permeability characteristics of soils and estimate seepage through soils.

CO4: Analyze stress distribution in soil and evaluate consolidation properties along with settlement

CO5: Analyze the shear strength of soil and factors influencing its magnitude.

CO-PO Mapping

CO1 2 2 1 3
CO2 3 3 2 3
CO3 3 3 3
CO4 3 3 2 3
CO5 3 3 3

Text Books / References

Text Book(s)

Richard E Goodman, “ Introduction to Rock Mechanics”, Second Edition, Wiley, 1980.

Venkat Reddy,.D., “Engineering Geology”, Vikas Publishing House, 2010.

Gopal Ranjan and A.S.R. Rao, “Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics”, New Age International Publishers, 2005.



Blyth F.G.H. and M. H. De Freitas, “Geology for Engineers”, 7th Edition, Elsevier Science, 2006.

Parbin Singh., “Engineering and General Geology”, S.K. Kataria and Sons, 2009.

Das, B.M., “Principles of Geotechnical Engineering”, CL Engineering, 2013.

  1. Purushothama Raj, “Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering”, Pearson, 2nd Edition.

T.W. Lambe and Whitman, “Soil Mechanics”, Wiley, 2008.

Manoj Dutta and Gulhati S.K, “Geotechnical Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishers, 2005

C. Punmia, Jain, A. K. & Jain, A. K., “Soil Mechanics & Foundations”, Firewell Media, 2005.

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