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Course Detail

Course Name Fundamentals of Marketing
Course Code 23MM101C
Program MBA
Credits 3
Course Category Foundation Core
Area Marketing


Module 1

Module 1: Introduction to Marketing (7.5 hours)

  1. Understanding Marketing Management Creating and Capturing Customer Value.
Module 2

Module 2: Company & Marketing Strategy (7.5 hours)

  1. Analyzing the Marketing Environment.
  2. Managing Marketing Information to Gain Customer Insights Consumer Markets.
  3. Consumer Buying Behavior.
Module 3

Module 3: Marketing Strategy and analysis (7.5 hours)

  1. Customer Driven Marketing Strategy – Market Targeting
  2. Differentiation and Positioning
  3. The Marketing Mix Competition
Module 4

Module 4: Marketing Ethics (7.5 hours)

  1. Competitive Advantage the Global Market place Sustainable Marketing Ethics and Marketing.

Course Description & Outcomes

Course Description

This course introduces the fundamental concepts of marketing management, which includes the marketing of goods, services, idea and events. The other objectives of this course are:

  1. To develop an understanding and appreciation for the complexities, problems and contributions of marketing from a managerial perspective
  2. To learn the “language” to enable improved communication with marketers
  3. To foster global & ethical perspectives in marketing.
Course Outcomes& Learning Levels
  1. Be able to understand and evaluate the fundamental principles of marketing and marketing process in marketing decisions (Understand L2)
  2. Be able to apply and evaluate the process, actors, frameworks and performance measures in Marketing Strategy (Apply L4, Evaluate L5)
  3. Be able to analyze the various marketing mix decisions with respective to objectives (Analyze L4)
  4. Be able to understand and evaluate the fundamental principles of Sustainability and ethics in marketing decisions (Understand L2)

Evaluation Pattern 

# Assessment Component Percentage of Marks
1 Continuous Assessment * 40
2 Mid –Term Examination 20
3 End –Term Examination 40

* Based on assignments / Tests / Quizzes / Case Studies / Project / Term paper / Field visit report. 

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