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Course Detail

Course Name Foundations of Mathematics
Course Code 24OEL639
Program M. Com. (Finance & Systems)
Semester Elective
Credits 2
Campus Amritapuri


Unit 1

Matrices: Type of matrices, addition, subtraction, multiplication of matrices, transpose, determinant of a matrix, adjoint and inverse of a matrix.

Unit 2

System of equations – Solution of equations in one(linear, quadratic), two and three variables, Solution of a system of linear equation having unique solution and involving not more than three variables by matrix method, Cramer’s rule.

Unit 3

Financial mathematics: Simple interest and compound interest.

Unit 4

Simple differentiation: functions, simple differentiation of algebraic functions, first and second order derivatives, maxima and minima.

Unit 5

Elementary integral calculus: Integration of simple algebraic functions.

Course Objective and Outcomes

Objectives: To develop an understanding of problem solving methods, to understand the basic concepts of mathematics and to apply the results to real life business problems


  1. P.R Vittal – Business mathematics and statistics, Margham Publications, Chennai.
  2. Dr. Amarnath Dikshit, Dr. Jinendra Kumar Jain – Business mathematics, Himalaya publishing House.
  3. V.K Kapoor – Introductory Business mathematics, Sultan chand & Sons, New Delhi.

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