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Course Detail

Course Name Flight Mechanics
Course Code 19AEE312
Program B. Tech. in Aerospace Engineering
Semester Six
Year Taught 2019


Unit 1

Equations of Motion – Forces Acting on the Aircraft – Review of Aerodynamic Characteristics of the Wing and Compressibility Effects – Review of Propulsion Systems and their Performance Characteristics – Drag Contribution from Aircraft Components – Airplane Performance of Turbojets: Steady Flight, Range, Endurance, Conditions for Maximum Range and Endurance, Climb Performance, Turn Performance, Maximum Load Factor During Turn.

Unit 2

Glide Performance – Take-Off and Landing Performance – Performance of Piston-Props: Steady Flight Climb and Turn Performance, Climb Performance, Turn Performance, Comparison with Turbojets – Turbofan and Turboprop Performance Evaluation Guidelines.

Unit 3

Concept of Static and Dynamic Stability – Longitudinal Stability: Neutral Point, Stick-Fixed and Stick Free Stability – Longitudinal Control – Hinge Moments – Control Power – Directional Stability and Control – Lateral Stability and Control – Introduction to Dynamic Stability – Stability Derivatives.

Objectives and Outcomes


  • To understand the performance parameters and performance evaluation of aircrafts fitted with turbojet engines
  • To understand the performance parameters and performance evaluation of aircrafts fitted with piston propeller engines
  • To evaluate the longitudinal static stability of a fixed wing aircraft in low subsonic flow and introduce the concepts of static lateral and directional stability
  • To introduce the concept of dynamic stability.

Course Outcomes

  • CO1: Understand and apply equations of motion for an aircraft. Evaluate performance of turbojet aircrafts for climb, steady flight and turn.
  • CO2: Glide and take-off and landing performance evaluation. Evaluate the climb, steady flight and turn performance of piston-engine aircrafts
  • CO3: Able to evaluate longitudinal static stability and understand the principle of dynamic stability.

CO – PO Mapping



CO1 3 3 3 3 3 2 3
CO2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3
CO3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3

Textbook / References


  • Hale, Francis J, “Introduction to Aircraft Performance, Selection, and Design”. Wiley, 1984.
  • Nelson.R.C, “Flight Stability and Automatic Control”, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, 1998.


  • Perkins.C.D and Hage.R.E, “Aircraft Performance, Stability and Control”, 11th edition, Wiley, 1967.
  • Anderson.J.D,, “Aircraft Performance and Design”, McGraw-Hill, 2010.
  • Russel.J.B, “Performance and stability of aircraft”, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996

Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Internal External
Periodical 1 (P1) 15
Periodical 2 (P2) 15
*Continuous Assessment (CA) 20
End Semester 50
*CA – Can be Quizzes, Assignment, Projects, and Reports.

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