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Course Detail

Course Name Finite Element Analysis
Course Code 18SC602
Program M. Tech. in Structural & Construction Engineering
Credits Coimbatore
Year Taught 2019


Course Syllabus

Basic Equations of Solid Mechanics – Review of equilibrium conditions, Strain displacement relations, Stress Strain relations, Principle of Virtual work & Stationery potential energy and variational formulation. Approximate methods – RayleighRitz, Weighted residual (Galerkin) and finite difference methods (examples on plates) – Finite Element Method: Displacement model-Shape functions-Lagrange and serendipity elements, Element properties – Isoparametric elements – numerical integration, technique, Assemblage of elements and solution techniques for static analysis. -Analysis of framed Structures – 2D and 3D truss and beam elements and applications. Analysis of plane stress/strain and axisymmetric solids triangular, quadrilateral and isoparametric elements, incompatible models. Three dimensional stress analysis – Isoparametric eight and twenty noded elements. Finite element programming and FEA Software.

Text Books

  • Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, Cook, R.D., Malkus, D. S., Plesha, M. E., and Witt, R .J., Wiley, 2007.
  • The Finite Element Method in Engineering, Rao S S, Elsevier, 2012.
  • The Finite Element Method, Vol.1 – The Basic Formulation and Linear Problems, Zienkiewicz, O. C., and Taylor, R .L, Butterworth and Heiamann, 2005.
  • Fundamental Finite Element Analysis and Applications, M. Asghar Bhatti, Wiley India Pvt.Ltd., 2013.
  • Advanced Topics in Finite Element Analysis, M. Asghar Bhatti, Wiley India Pvt.Ltd., 2014.


‘Finite Element Analysis’ is a course offered in the second semester of M. Tech. program in Structural & Construction Engineering at the School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus.

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