OPEN ELECTIVES-UG (Arts , Humanities and Commerce)
Course Name | Film Theory |
Course Code | 24OEL278 |
Program | BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration), 5 Year Integrated B.Sc. – M.Sc. Visual Communication |
Credits | 3 |
Campus | Mysuru |
OPEN ELECTIVES-UG (Arts , Humanities and Commerce)
Shots, Angles, Camera Movements, and Mise-en-Scene.
Definition and importance of shots in film: long shot, medium shot, close-up, extreme close-up Camera angles: high angle, low angle, eye-level, Dutch angle- Camera movements: pan, tilt, tracking, dolly, crane, handheld, zoom- Mise-en-scene: elements and significance (setting, costume, lighting, composition)
Editing in Film
Definition and importance of editing in film- Types of editing: continuity editing, montage, cross- cutting, jump cuts- The role of the editor: pacing, rhythm, and narrative structure- Key concepts: match on action, shot/reverse shot, eyeline match, parallel editing.
Sound in Film
Importance of sound in film: diegetic vs. non-diegetic sound- Elements of sound: dialogue, sound effects, music, silence- Functions of sound: creating mood, enhancing realism, guiding audience attention-Techniques: sound bridges, sound perspective, off-screen sound.
Film Genre
Definition and importance of genre in film- Analysis of common genres: horror, comedy, drama, science fiction, film noir- Genre conventions and audience expectations- Evolution of genres over time and genre blending.
Overview of Film Theory
Formalism vs. realism-Feminist film theory: the male gaze and gender representation-Auteur theory: significance and critique-Structuralism and semiotics: basic principles and application.
Course Objective:
This course provides a fundamental introduction to film theory, focusing on essential concepts, historical perspectives, and basic analysis techniques. Designed as an open elective, it aims to equip students with the tools to understand and appreciate films critically.
Course Outcomes (CO):
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
CO1: Identify and analyse different types of shots, angles, and camera movements, and explain their significance in film storytelling.
CO2: Understand and apply key editing techniques and concepts to evaluate the role of the editor in shaping a film’s narrative structure and rhythm.
CO3: Recognize and differentiate between diegetic and non-diegetic sound and analyse the functions and techniques of sound in creating mood, realism, and audience engagement.
CO4: Define and discuss the importance of film genres, analyse common genre conventions and expectations, and understand the evolution and blending of genres over time.
CO5: Compare and contrast major film theories such as formalism, realism, feminist theory, auteur theory, and structuralism, and apply these theories to the analysis of films.
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