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Course Detail

Course Name Experimental Techniques
Course Code 18SC614
Program M. Tech. in Structural & Construction Engineering
Semester 1
Credits Coimbatore
Year Taught 2019


Course Syllabus

Concrete mix proportioning, Study of High performance concrete -Introduction to Non Destructive Test methods.- Principles of operations of hydraulic loading systems, strain gauges, strain and force measuring devices, etc.-Utilization of Mechanical, electrical resistance and other types of strain gauges to study the behavior of structural members.-Use of static and dynamic data recording and processing systems. Demonstration on wind tunnel testing.

Text Books

  • Experimental Stress Analysis, Dalley J W and Riley W F, Mc Graw Hill Book Company, 1991.
  • Experimental Stress Analysis, Srinath. L.S, Tata McGraw Hill Company, 1984.
  • Concrete Mix Proportioning: Guidelines, IS: 10262, BIS, New Delhi, 2009.
  • Concrete Technology, Shetty. M. S, S.Chand Publishers, 2009.


‘Experimental Techniques’ is a course offered in the first semester of M. Tech. program in Structural & Construction Engineering at the School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore campus.

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