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Course Detail

Course Name Essential Counselling Skills
Course Code 24CPS104
Program Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling Psychology 
Semester I
Credits 5
Campus Coimbatore


Unit 1

Basic Communication Skills- Attending and Listening-Micro skills-Body as a vehicle of Communication-Listening to and Understanding Nonverbal Behaviour-Identifying and handling Bias in Listening-Empathy and Probing-three dimensions of communication skills-reasons for becoming good at empathy-some common problems in communicating empathy

Unit 2

Facilitating Clients –Working with filters-establishing working relationship-Blocks to self-disclosure-self exploration-reluctance versus resistance-causes of reluctance and resistance-productive approach to deal with reluctance and resistance-probing missing experiences

Unit 3

Helping clients in focusing and challenging- self- probing for missing experiences- challenging the clients to own their problem as well as opportunities, “ The MUM Effect”-a more productive response to challenge-confronting the client-encouraging direct talk.

Unit 4

Creating new thoughts and goals-helping clients construct new scenarios and set goals-The advantages of goal setting-helping clients evaluate their choice of goals-help the clients in committing themselves towards their goals-future centered approach

Unit 5

Strategies for action-importance of creativity-brainstorming as a skill-developing sub goals and strategies to achieve them-force-field analysis-helping the clients to be assertive-Use self-contracts-find social support

Course Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives:

  1. To understand the theoretical perspectives that underpin core Counselling practice
  2. To develop a range of discrete skills including attending, observing, listening, responding accurately and empathically
  3. identifying inappropriate and unhelpful practices
  4. Opportunity to develop their Counselling skills in a structured and supportive environment.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to

  1. COO1- Do essential interviewing and counselling skills so that the student is able to develop a therapeutic relationship
  2. COO2- able to establish appropriate counselling goals, design intervention strategies, evaluate client outcome, and successfully terminate the counselor-client relationship,
  3. COO3-Develop Self-awareness to promote therapeutic relationships and appropriate professional boundaries.
  4. COO4- apply ethical and legal considerations in professional counselling
  5. COO5- Process/communications skills; conceptualization skills; personalization skills; and professional skills.
CO1 1 3 2 2 1 2 2
CO2 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 2
CO3 1 1 1 1 2
CO4 1 2 3 1 2 1
CO5 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1


  1. Carl R.Rogers(1995)- On Becoming A Person: A Therapist’s View of Psychotherapy, Houghton, Mifflin Company, Boston. New York.
  2. Gerald Egan- The Skilled Helper. A Systematic Approach to Effective Helping, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, California
  3. Nelson R Jones ,(2003), Basic Counselling Skills; Sage Publication, London
  4. Gerald C. (2001), Case Approach to Counselling Psycology; Brooks/Cole, Australia
  5. S. Narayana Rao, 2013- Counselling Psychology. Tata McGraw Hill

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