Unit 1
W ater Pollution Control: wastewater characteristics: physical, chemical and bacteriological, Types of pollutants in waste water of chemical industries, Methods of sampling, preservation of samples and analysis. Methods for the treatment of liquid wastes: Physical, chemical and biological methods, Selection and design of equipments. Physical treatment: pre-treatment, solids removal by setting and sedimentation, filtration centrifugation, coagulation and flocculation. Chemical Treatment: Anaerobic with special reference to UASB and aerobic treatment biochemical kinetics, trickling filter, activated sludge process, lagoons, aeration systems, fluidized bed bioreactors; Disinfection, Ion exchange, Electro-dialysis, Reverse Osmosis.
Pollution control in selected process industries – fertilizer industries, petroleum refineries and petrochemical units, pulp and paper industries, Tanning industries, Sugar industries, Dairy, Alcohol industries, Electroplating and metal finishing industries, Radioactive wastes, ranking of wastewater treatment alternatives, Case Studies.