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Course Detail

Course Name English Poetry: Modern
Course Code 18ELL302
Program BA (English Language and Literature)
Semester V
Credits 4
Year Taught 2019
Degree Undergraduate (UG)
School School of Arts and Sciences
Campus Coimbatore


Course Outline

Unit 1

Introduction to modern English poetry W.B.Yeats,”Easter 1916″ [Detailed].
“A Prayer for My Daughter” [Non-Detailed]. 
Siegfried Sassoon, “A Subaltern” [Non-Detailed].

Unit 2

T.S.Eliot.“Marina”, “The Journey of the Magi” [Detailed]. 
Peter Porter “A Consumer’s Report” [Non-Detailed]. 
W.H.Auden”The Unknown Citizen” [Detailed].

Unit 3

Stephen Spender,”TheExpress” [Non-Detailed].
The Pylons” [Detailed]. 
Robert Lowell “Skunk Hour” [Non-Detailed].

Unit 4

D H Lawrence “Snake” [Detailed].
EE Cummings: “Anyone Lived in a Pretty Howtown” [Non-Detailed].

Unit 5

R S Thomas,”Evans” [Detailed]. 
“lagoPrytherch” [Non-Detailed]. 
Ted Hughes “The Jaguar” [Detailed].
“The Thought-Fox” [Non-Detailed].


To introduce the learners to the trends and movements in modem poetry;to create critical awareness about modem literature in general and modem poetry in particular; to inspire the students to read and write poetry.

Core Reading

  1. Thomas,CT(ed.) Twentieth Century Verse. An Anglo-American Anthology.New Delhi: MacMillan,1979.
  2. Board of Editors.Poetry Down the Ages.Hyderabad:Orient BlackSwan, 2010 (Online Sources)


  1. Rosenthal,M.L.The Modem Poets.New York:OUP,1961.
  2. Beach,J.W.TheMaking of the Auden Canon. Minneapolis:Universityof Mannesota Press, 1957.
  3. Blair, John G. The Poetic Art of WH. Auden. Princeton: Princeton University Press,1973.

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