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Course Detail

Course Name English for Competitive Exams and Interviews
Course Code 24OEL290
Program BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration), 5 Year Integrated B.Sc. – M.Sc. Visual Communication
Credits 3
Campus Mysuru


OPEN ELECTIVES-UG (Arts , Humanities and Commerce)

Unit 1

Vocabulary – synonyms and antonyms, verbal analogy, cloze test, idioms and phrases, one-word substitutions, words often confused and misused, misspelt words – homonyms, homophones and homographs.

Unit 2

Grammar – phrases and clauses, prefixes and suffixes, active and passive voice, reported Speech, conjunction, prepositions, tenses, connectives, comparative adjectives, articles, concord, error detection.

Unit 3

Reading Comprehension – sentence rearrangement, para jumbles, sentence and paragraph completion, critical thinking

Unit 4

Descriptive writing – writing short and long messages – essay writing, precis writing, expository, argumentative, descriptive, persuasive, narrative styles – Writing for specific purposes – email writing, picture description, circulars, memo, reports, proposals, describing visual representations (graphs, diagrams, etc.) – official and business letters

Unit 5

Facing interviews – preparations – guidelines – Human Resource and soft skills development – understanding personal strengths and weaknesses – developing knowledge base (general- subject – professional) – confidence building – resourcefulness – Mock interviews (conducting and attending) Activities: Practice tests to be administered for all components of the syllabus.

Innovative Games and activities involving various aspects of vocabulary and grammar can be planned.

Samples of descriptive writing can be displayed, and the writings of the students can be checked and edited by giving suggestions for improvement.

Tests involving all vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension and descriptive writing can be administered based on samples of various competitive examinations.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives:

To enhance the students’ vocabulary and grammar to effectively communicate ideas and meet the

requirements of competitive examinations.

To develop the students’ critical thinking abilities to analyse and evaluate information, draw logical

conclusions, and solve complex problems encountered in competitive exam questions.

To develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills for success in competitive examinations and interviews.

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Recall the fundamental concepts of English language.

CO2: Apply verbal, analytical and problem-solving skills.

CO3: Interpret the information given.

CO4: Compose diverse types of professional documents in error free language.

CO5: Demonstrate techniques and skills in facing interviews


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Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern:

Assessment Component Weightage (Internal) Weightage (External)
Continuous Assessment 30
Mid Term 20
End Sem 50

Text Books / References


  1. S.P. – Objective General English – Arihant Publication
  2. S.C. – General English for all Competitive Course – Arihant Publication
  3. Khare, Pulkit – Essays for Civil Services and other Competitive Exams – Arihant Publication
  4. Singh, K.- Corrective Grammar – MB Publications
  5. Kiran Prakashan, – Competitive General English, 1st Edition – Kiran Prakashan Publication


  1. Lewis, Norman – Word Power Made Easy – Goyal Publishers & Distributors
  2. Prasad, Hari Mohan, Uma Sinha – Objective English for Competitive Examination – McGraw Hill

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