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Course Detail

Course Name Engineering Physics Lab – B
Course Code 19PHY182
Program B. Tech. in Aerospace Engineering, B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering, B. Tech. in Chemical Engineering
Semester One and Two
Year Taught 2019


List of Experiments:

  1. To determine the Young’s modulus of the given material using non-uniform bending.
  2. Determination of Rigidity modulus of the given wire using torsional oscillation method.
  3. To find the dispersive power of the material of the prism.
  4. Determination of the wavelength of diode laser using diffraction grating and to find the mean size of Lycopodium particles
  5. To find the radius of curvature of given convex lens by Newton’s rings method.
  6. Determination of Planck’s constant and work function of the given metal using photoelectric effect.
  7. To determine the efficiency and fill factor of the given solar cell and to study its characteristics.
  8. Determination of band gap of a semiconductor.
  9. Experiment to verify the quantum nature of the hydrogen atom by measuring the wavelengths of spectral lines in the Balmer series.

Evaluation Pattern:

Assessment Internal External
*Continuous Assessment (CA) 80
End Semester 20

*CA – Basic principles of experiment, skill, result analysis and viva.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives

  1. To gain practical knowledge by applying experimental methods to correlate with the theory.
  2. Apply the analytical techniques and graphical analysis to the experimental data.
  3. To develop intellectual communication skills and discuss the basic understanding of various experimental principles involved.

Course Outcomes

The student at the end of the course will

CO1 Prepare and perform individually a wide spectrum of experiments.
CO2 Present experimental data in various appropriate forms like tabulation and plots.
CO3 Analyze, interpret and summarize the experimental results
CO4 Communicate clearly the understanding of various experimental principles, instruments/setup, and procedure

Course Articulation Matrix

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 1 2 2
CO2 1 2 1
CO3 2 2 1
CO4 1 3 1

Program Articulation Matrix

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 1 2 2
CO2 1 2 1
CO3 2 2 1
CO4 1 3 1

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