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Course Detail

Course Name Engineering Chemistry Laboratory
Course Code 23CHY188
Program B. Tech. in Civil Engineering
Semester 2
Credits 1
Campus Coimbatore


Chemical Kinetics and surface chemistry – understanding the principle of adsorption, determining the rate constant of a reaction.

Electrochemistry – Evaluating the dissociation constant of acids, estimation of acid and ferrous ion present in water.

Corrosion and control – anodization and Tafel plot

Instrumentation techniques – Estimations of ions in water using flame photometer and UV-Visible spectrophotometer.

Solid state – Determination of point of zero charge of metal oxide.

List of Equipment required for meeting the COs


S. No. List of Equipment
1. Conductivity Bridge
2 Potentiometer
3. UV-Visible spectrophotometer
4. Colorimeter
5. pH meter
6. Flame photometer
7. Weighing balance
8. DC Power source
9 Multimeter
List of Exercises
S.No. List of Exercises CO mapping
1. Adsorption of acetic acid by charcoal CO2
2. Adsorption of dye on charcoal CO2
3. Determination of rate constant for acid catalyzed ester hydrolysis CO2
4. Estimation of ferrous ion by potentiometric titration CO1
5. Potentiometric titration of dibasic acid Vs strong base CO4
6. Conductometric titration of mixture of acid Vs NaOH CO4
7. Verification of B-L law by UV-spectrophotometer CO1
8. Determination of point of zero charge of metal oxide CO3
9. Synthesis of polyaniline conducting polymer via electrochemical polymerization CO4
10. Synthesis of silver nanoparticle by chemical reduction method CO3
11. Determination of sodium and potassium ions in water using Flame photometry CO1
12. Kinetics of electrochemical reactions – Construction of Tafel linear polarization curves CO4
13. Determination of optimum current density for the anodization of aluminium CO4

Objectives and Outcomes

A. Prerequisite: Nil

B. Nature of Course:  Lab

C. Course Objectives:

1. Using instrumental techniques to analyze the ions present in water.

2. To understand the kinetics of chemical reactions and adsorption principles.

3. To determine the rate of corrosion and its control.

4. To synthesis nanoparticles and determine the surface charge of oxide particles.

5. To estimate the amount of given substances using electrochemical methods.

D. Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the lab course, students will be able to:

S.No. Course Outcomes Knowledge level

[Bloom’s Taxonomy]

CO01 Analyze the ions present in the given sample water Analyze
CO02 Analyze the adsorption isotherm and determine the rate constant of a reaction Analyze
CO03 Apply the solid state chemistry principles for preparing nanoparticles and determining the surface charge on oxides. Apply
CO04 Apply the fundamental principles of electrochemistry for the analysis of given substance and understand the corrosion kinetics Apply

F. CO-PO Mapping: [affinity#: 3 – high; 2- moderate; 1- slightly]

CO01 3 1 1 1 1
CO02 3 1 1
CO03 3 1 1 1
CO04 3 1 1
Total 12 4 1 1 4 1
Average 3 1 0.25 0.25 1 0.25

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